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Hello folks....

My friends breathing has come to a complete stop. He has bin keeping shrimp for about 2 years. Now he hasent seen a shrimp with eggs for 5 going on 6 months. I bought some mischling f1 from him and some spottet head and all are breathing in my tanks.

it is not only in 1 tank he has the problem it is in all of his tanks we have about the same parameters MS,ph and temp.

He swapped some shrimp with another friend whom also have succes breething but still no luck in his own tanks.

He has Kept a close eye on the parameters.

MS/US 200. Ph. 6.3 temp. 23 celcius.

They all get a variant og CFS and shrimp king.

And he has tried.

raising the temp. no luck.

Moving them to a fresh setup tank. No luck.

Adding fresh shrimp. No luck.

Adding Borneo wild dance. No luck.

Does eany og you guyes have eany idea to start op the breathing again...?

Sorry for the spelling.. ☺


I can't quite remember what it is called but this happens in old tanks maybe someone else knows more about it. In Japan the breeders switch tanks and start knew ones a lot because of this. Sorry I couldn't be of more help


Hello folks....

My friends breathing has come to a complete stop. He has bin keeping shrimp for about 2 years. Now he hasent seen a shrimp with eggs for 5 going on 6 months. I bought some mischling f1 from him and some spottet head and all are breathing in my tanks.

it is not only in 1 tank he has the problem it is in all of his tanks we have about the same parameters MS,ph and temp.

He swapped some shrimp with another friend whom also have succes breething but still no luck in his own tanks.

He has Kept a close eye on the parameters.

MS/US 200. Ph. 6.3 temp. 23 celcius.

They all get a variant og CFS and shrimp king.

And he has tried.

raising the temp. no luck.

Moving them to a fresh setup tank. No luck.

Adding fresh shrimp. No luck.

Adding Borneo wild dance. No luck.

Does eany og you guyes have eany idea to start op the breathing again...?

Sorry for the spelling.. [emoji5]

woops I didn't see you said he moved them to a new set, must be something else then.

What's substrate he is using?


What type of shrimp he is keeping?


How big is the tank?


Last guess, he get all males or all females


When I read the first sentence my first thought was " shouldn't you be calling for help or giving your friend CPR instead of posting on Shrimpspot!!!!"





Spelling can be quiet a promblem for me sometimes. Even in my own language but i must admit that was quiet a funny misspell..

For soils he use ada soils and akadama.

The shrimps. Pinto. KK. OEBT. Royal blue. Tibbe + a couple more. I bought his mishling f1 and they startede breading in my tank but not in his tanks.

The tanks range from 25 Liters to 128 Liters.

Pretty sure they are all not the same sex.

Then all off the males or females would have died since they have bread before. ☺


That is odd indeed.

My suspicion would be on the source water, or an airborne contaminant.

I would also wonder if there has been a season change. I know in North America a reduction in breeding occurs often in the fall and winter, even if the shrimp are indoors.

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