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Light brown/black shrimp?

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Hey guys,


so about a week ago I got my shrimps :) 4 of them were supposed to be Carbon Blue Rili Shrimp (and still hopefully are) and one of them is most probably offspring... I took some more detailed pictures of the unknown one, since it got eggs and I'm starting to panic  :))) 


Hopefully you can help me recognize it and say if it is save to keep or not :)


Thanks in advance :)))


PS. Advice of how to take care and what to feed baby shrimps with, are welcome :D


Btw the last (3rd) picture is the same shrimp but about a week ago... 




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WOW!  What a beauty!  Never seen one like that from my carbons, and I can TOTALLY see that as a strain!  I highly encourage you to selective breed it!  In fact, if you can isolate it now, you can be sure what babies have the desired genetics.


Luckily it is a fem, and in neos the fem mostly carry the colors.  How lucky!  You could call it "Gold Nugget" or something.


Absolutely beautiful! 


If you are extremely lucky, you could get that coloration in the f2 generation.  If not, you may need to work with it more, but sooo worth it!


If you decide to do the project, hit me up when you can get it breeding true.  For sure I would buy some from you...if I could find a transhipper cheap enough. LOL

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So don't get to excited  Soothing. I had one that looked exactly like that with the thick brown stripe down her back. It went away after her first ..... whats a group of baby shrimp?   after her first litter.  and never came back I was bummed.    She is beautiful though.. such a dark blue thick thick shell she is almost black.

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Wow, thanks guys for input! When I uploaded picture of this one about 10 days ago, I was highly encouraged to remove it from aquarium since it seemed like Carbon blue's offspring, lol, I'm glad I didn't :))))

I might have a problem tho. Not sure if its inexperienced shrimp or what ,but it seems like it's loosing its eggs... What can be the cause of this? I'm really beginner, guess the shrimp might have more experience with eggs than I do with shrimps in general :D any suggestions, advices? :D

Thanks, love this forum!!

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