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less eggs - why?

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I've noticed some of my snowballs now carry less eggs each time. Saw one with only like 6. They used to hold so many eggs I couldn't count them.


Is this age? Is there something possibly wrong?

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I can only hope Jaden :)  I am keeping a close eye on them now.


They are my little rabbit breeders so notice the low amount of eggs caught me off guard. I tested the water and things were fine, TDS was a bit high at 230 so I did a water change to bring it down. 


Gads... I hate the worrying part. 


They seem happy, healthy and as goofy as every though so hopefully it's just me being paranoid.  

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It's very strange and a bit nerve wracking. I"m watching them closely. Luckily one of the other snowballs in my mix bloodline tank just berried and she is packin'! lol


I have been messing with the the tank, clipping, yanking a few things out. Could be I just stressed them out. Other than water changes I am leaving it alone for awhile. Hopefully that was all it was.

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