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Blue pinto shrimp?

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I have several of these blue shrimp show up in this last batch of pinto babies. The mother was a german red spotted and the male was a black zebra. They look like blue bolt to me. I am curious what would they be classified as. Pinto culls? Blue pinto?


Most look like this guy.post-471-0-17642000-1433212312_thumb.jpg

Looks like i got a few red zebra as well. post-471-0-43990100-1433212141_thumb.jpgpost-471-0-14987300-1433212164_thumb.jpg

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Congratulations, looks like a nice batch. Ultimately it depends what your trying to accomplish in this shrimp tank. Do you only want Zebra Pattern? Do you only want Pintos? Do you only want Black or Red Pintos? 


Hard to tell at this point if their only Blue Bolts or Blue Bolt looking Skunk Pintos as the top of the carapace almost looks completely white. Give them a bit more time to develop color and pattern.


Always so fun with Taiwan Bees and Pintos, just never know what offspring will come.

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