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crays and shrimp?

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I am thinking about Turing my 2.5g into a Mexican dwarf orange Cray tank(only 1) and I was wondering if they would kill shrimp? Ian renoing my 10g and will have carib sea flora max and sand leftover, I want to make a second floor type thing for him, I saw a cray tank with steps that went up to a second story of the tank, it looked really cool, anyone think that could work?

thanks, also it will be a month or two, still need to finish my 10g before I start.

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AQ 10, are you going to terrace your layout? I saw Java stairs on the side but wasn't sure if the crypt par a was going to be on a higher level made by a suction cup planter, terrace, or by mounding the substrate.

I have a tank cycling now that has a few terraces made by driftwood. I just cut it flat at the bottom and siliconed it to the bottom and sides of the tank. I back filled with peat capped by a layer of Red Sea flora base. I will also use crypt parva somewhere in the layout. Was thinking of micro sword, dwarf sag, and crypt parva each on their own terrace.... We'll see.

Just wondered how you will achieve that upper level.

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it will be a second half floor made of acrylic, so theirs more area, and it allows for more plants :) oh I just thought about something, if I have the back left corner of the top cut out in a cresent shape thing, and put a sponge filter on the 1st floor back corner the bubbles would go up thru the second story and would be hidden in the bottom floor.

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