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Hello everyone! I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Zach and I have been keeping aquariums for over ten years now. I currently have two running, a 20 gallon long that houses crystal red shrimp and a 55 gallon with pearl gouramis, cardinal tetras, kuhli loaches, Australian rainbowfish, and a bristlenose pleco. 


And my first question has to be this:


First things first I am still having problems with the ph in my Crystal red shrimp tank, as well as the hardness and the alkalinity. Ph reads 7.4 and I used test strips (yeah I know they're not accurate, but I lost my cards to my KH and GH test kit) and my hardness was 75 and my alkalinity was 300 

What I was wondering was could I add straight RO water with the salty shrimp GH+ additive I bought? I have had different answers online saying that I should mix it with my aquarium water in a jug and let it sit for a while. 

I had put some indian almond leaves in there until the broke down and then I tested my water and it read what it is now. I really don't feel like going through that again since I lost most of my plants because of the tannins. 

The thing that I cannot get over though is the fact that my shrimp are thriving in these conditions.

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I'm guessing you are using inert soil and tap water?

I am using a dirt substrate (Miracle Gro Organic Choice Potting Mix) capped with flourite for the plants. 


And for water I have been using the water out of my well that is pretty acidic. I did have a few rocks from a local stream that I put in there, but I took them out a while ago thinking they were the source. I tested the water in the stream and it is very hard, very alkaline, and the ph is pretty high. 


I took two more rocks out today that I thought could be the source, every other rock in there has been used in my other aquariums in the past with no problems.

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I have one TB tank with inert substrate, after time it naturally settled at pH of 6.8 with RO water and remineralizer. To get the pH down to a better level I added about 2-3 tbsp of aquarium peat granules made by Fluval. This works great and I have not changed them in a couple months. The pH in this tank is the lowest of any of my tanks and sits at 5, shrimp are thriving and I have a number of TB babies growing fast. This is not the ideal pH I would want but I learned long ago if the shrimp are doing fine its better to leave it than to try and change it.

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Thank you for the responses. 


So do you suggest I purchase the peat granules? Or do you reccomend I slowly add the remineralized RO water to the tank over the course of two weeks?

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