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hello from poughkeepsie ny


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Just signed up for the forum.  I have 5g and  2 g aqueon "self contained " tanks.  I do not have much luck with most shrimp, but glasshrimp do thrive.  I'll just stick with them until I gain more experience.


Dennis Skea

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Welcome to the forum!  What do you mean by "self contained"?

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ah ok gotcha.  I would love to see pictures of the glass shrimp also.  Where did you get them?  Have you had sucess breeding them?  I think there are several species sold as glass or ghost shrimp (usually for feeders) and some of them can breed in freshwater and some need brackish or salt.

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Welcome! I had a hard time with shrimp at first (started with glass shrimp just like you) but eventually worked out how to keep them successfully and then there was no holding me back... I can just sort of throw some in a new tank and off they go... Just watch out though, then you'll be addicted for sure!

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