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Yellow Neos


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Okay, I asked a question regarding blue neos yesterday and someone else asked a similar question after me so I'm thinking I'm not the only lost newbie out here. If anyone can give us info on some of these neo variants I think there would be at least a handful of grateful folks out here. I struggled with the differences in the blues in my last question. Today I'm wondering if people can clarify the yellows. My specific confusuion comes from the alpha pro neon 24s. Are they really the only providers of thes shrimp? They look like the brightest yellow I've seen, but on aquabid someone has something they are calling a rice shrimp that looks similar... I'm confused! Can anyone clarify for me?

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hi there,

im not sure if this is the answer you're looking for but it may help to clarify things for you. from what ive seen. you might like to google cherry shrimp family tree, unless the chart is wrong - you will find that the only YCS are all line bred from a color morph directly from the wild type neo.

for example they are not a colour morph of the RCS which was the original morph of wild neo in the trade. (eg orange/sunkist/sunset etc came from RCS)

as far as quality (opaqueness, colour on legs etc) you will have to see the pictures and ensure the breeder has a good reputation.

i cant speak for alpha breeder pro i have no experience with them but my advice is to be aware that there is plenty of marketing hype and artistic license out there. with blue cherries it is more complicated than YCS as there are at least 3 lineages of blue available and varying grades/degrees of quality of those.

hope that helps :-)

love n peace


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that is definitely good advice from soothing as always.

personally i would never buy from someone who doesn't show pix of their colony (or at least a good number of shrimps thereof)

of course some "breeders" will photoshop or just rip other people's images.

if shrimpspot is anything like my local forum then I'm sure you would be able to find someone here to buy from.

ive never looked due to being in oz but im guessing shrimpspot has a marketplace with a WTB subforum.

PS if you're actually completely new to shrimp then you should know that YCS are the most stubborn neo when it comes to breeding IME and a lot of people agree with me. pretty sure red or if not then blue is definitely the easiest to breed.

-edit- meant to say red is easiest to breed perhaps followed by blue with red lineage.

love n peace


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Great info, thank you. I hope to be able to breed and have a LFS waiting to sell my stock but I want to ensure that I am actually providing what I say I am. In other words, if I'm beeding yellow shrimp I want them labelled var. Yellow, however if they are realoy var. Neon yellow, or rice yellow, or neon yellow 24, I want the lines to remain and people to know wgat they are getting. Does that make sense? I don't want to sell Blue Dream shrimp if they are really Blue Dream Velvet (haven't figured that confusion out yet).

BTW, I love the charts. Is there a place to buy them? I've seen several.

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hey wygglz. all yellow shrimps are always referred to as neo

var. yellow. the rest of the terms are peoples ways of defining the grading of the shrimp or just trying to sound unique perhaps.

YCS should be same grading as RCS as per the chart. standard, sakura, fire and PFR.

the neon in YCS i believe is meant to refer to a bright yellow stripe on top of the shrimp.

im sure someone will correct me if im wrong about any of this.

Regarding rice yellow and yellow 24.. what are they supposed to be and how are these different? does 24 mean they are an F24 selection by said breeder? or do they look nice 24hours a day?

do the rice shrimp taste like rice or maybe its a type and they meant nice?

honestly i hope someone here can enlighten us to the contrary but otherwise then it sounds to me like it might just be a case of someone trying to hype up their yellow shrimps and try to create some kind of distinction.

cherry shrimp are quite limited in how they can be differentiated when it comes down to it and a lot of people make it more complicated than it needs to be in the name of the almighty dollar.

love n peace


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Thanks Will. With all the types of Crystal Red & Crystal Black it seems standardization of Neos is in order. For example, like Soothing said, youcan breed two differentblues and get a wild type since the blue is on different genes, so it would be wise for people to know which strain they have. Likewise, if someone develops a yellow with a stripe, they should be credited for that. Just like Soothings green shrimp. Years have gone into that strain. If I were to attain some of those I would be shouting fromthe rooftops that these are his Nellies.

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i agree with you the cherry situation definitely needs to be standardised.

but to clarify what i meant - imo the first to achieve a variety which breeds true should be entitled to name it something special. ie when one colour morph is bred from another colour morph.

ie blue shrimps from the carbon base have been coined blue dream by someone. and i know an australian who i get shrimps from has acheived an almost-tue breeding blue shrimp from a carbon base recently and he is calling them blue dreams. not giving them some unique sounding name.

personally i don't believe people should be coming up with new names when simply talking about grading of shrimps as it just complicates things.

im not an expert on this subject by any means so I'll wait and see if anyone else can shed more light and how this all works and how it is supposed to work.

love n peace


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