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question about Kh/Gh test

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I have an api gh/kh test kit, but im not sure how to interpret my readings.


The test booklet has conversions based on how many drops of sollution added, but shows them in "dKH" and ppm.


When I read shrimpkeepin guides, it always gives a suggested gh as just a lone number. (GH - 6, for example)

Is that 6 supposed to be how many drops it takes to change color, is that 6 the dKH?

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One other thing that I will add.  In my API test kit, the orange color takes on almost a "burnt orange" look to it right before it "flips" to green.  Now, the flip to green can be somewhat subtle, so don't look for a "Kermit-the-Frog" level of green, but rather a green tint.  If you practice it a couple times, you'll pick it up in no time.  Also, once it is green, adding more drops doesn't increase the intensity of the green that much.  So, the key that I have learned, is to watch for that "flip", and then you're done.

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