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Willow moss grow-out tank help


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I have a 2.5 gallon tank with a handful of willow moss that I would like to grow out. I have it immersed near a cold window so that the water stays cool. I'm using tap water.


Some questions:


Do I need to add Prime to the tap water?

Do I need any macro or micro ferts?

Can the water be stagnant?

How often do I change the water?

I need lighting. The tank dimensions are 12"L x 6"W x 8"D



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I'm not a moss expert by any means, but I can give a stab at some of these to get you started.


0. I personally would move it away from the window. I know you want cool, but unless you have the shade pulled, you're going to get a bunch of natural light, and that combined with light that you add above the tank is going to be an invite for algae.  Generally, you want to control the lighting, and a tank by the window can make that more difficult.

1. Need?  Your call, but Prime is never a bad idea.  I would sure use it.

2. Not sure that you need Macro ferts, but some Micro wouldn't hurt

3. Generally, moss does not like stagnant water, but rather flowing water.  I would get a small HOB filter to generate some movement and current.

4. Probably on what fits your schedule best.  I'd shoot for like every couple weeks if it were me.

5. Most mosses are low-light, so maybe just a basic nano-size light would be all that's really needed. If you go higher light, you'll be chasing ferts, possible algae, etc.

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1. If you are using tap water you need to use some sort of dechlorinator

2. Mosses do not need much, a tiny amount of ferts is fine, but not extremely necessary.

3. You do not need flow, a small filter does not hurt. I have seen plenty of people go with no filter on such a small tank with no problems.

4. Like once a month, depends what else you have in there as far as livestock

5. Use a cheap light. Moss is easy to grow.

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Thanks all.

I am curious if moss responds to Seachem Excel to speed up growth?

All plants respond well to a CO2 source, moss included. Used to pull a ton out, moss can be frustrating. I've had tanks where moss absolutely would not grow.

Had same parameters, light, etc on another tank and it doubles all the time. Treat it like a fish tank, regular waterchanges have patience and you'll have enough.

Quickest way is to find someone local who will give you alot at once. I get a softball size moss for 5$ from a friend. Throw it in your tanks before long you'll have more than you need. I've grown out small portions and usually takes longer than the effort I want to put in.

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I have java moss and I think Christmas moss that won't stop growing! We use a refugium and have about 10 gal of moss at this point in addition to what is in the tanks... had no idea that would happen!

Wish I had that problem lol, I'd take a few gallons off your hands.....
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Wish I had that problem lol, I'd take a few gallons off your hands.....

I'm planning on offering some once the holiday shipping is over so things don't get held up. One of our members has agreed to be a guinea pig for me so I can practice shipping. If everything arrives alive I'll try others.

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I'm planning on offering some once the holiday shipping is over so things don't get held up. One of our members has agreed to be a guinea pig for me so I can practice shipping. If everything arrives alive I'll try others.

Plants are super easy, 5$ priority wrapped in a paper towel and a few papers works great.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

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