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the jungle cat shrimp


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So I was thinking of adding tiger shrimp to my dream blue velvet tank after I move my 4 amano shrimp out.  I was just curious as to if this would pose any sort of issues with interbreeding (I think one is neo and the other isn't so I feel like this wouldn't be a problem), and the other question would be that would my dwarf dream velvets be bothered by the tigers.  With how my tank is right now I can't tell of any reasons why my blues would not keep their eggs, but they keep dropping them, so I have come to the conclusion that the presence of such large amano shrimp might be stressing the mother blues to the point where they drop their eggs (if anyone has any info on this I would appreciate it).  So hopefully i can get some regular tigers (maybe bumblebee shrimp?) and put them in with my blues.

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I have tangerine tigers with blue dreams, royal tigers with nessies, and red tigers with bloody marys. My neos seem to breed better with a "token tiger" in the tank.

Maybe the tiger has no clue he's a shrimp since it's always "buzzed", so the women feel safe.  Curious how he keeps it lit?

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I love amano's, one of my all time favorites but they are nasty big time apex king of the jungle shrimp and will try to eat anything. I wouldn't be surprised if they are bullying your other shrimps into dropping their eggs for a meal and you know for sure they're eating the babies.


I have TT's in what I call my crap tank, I dont pay much attention to it but the tank get its 20% water change once a week but thats it. Cant seem to throw trimmed plants away and stick them in that 10gl. Tank  is infested with snails and two different types of RCS. The tank is slightly overfeed extremely over planted. This is just coincidence but since I added 8 TT's last fall my RCS popullation is out control as well as my TT's. I easily have over a hundred of each type of shrims and those are the ones I can actually see.

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almighty then looks like i'm a go for the tigers :) .  I'll maybe look into the tangerines instead of original, but I find it strange that they breed better with  tiger shrimps in the tank.  Is that just a coincidence or is there a science behind it?  I appreciate all of the feedback thus far guys XD.

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