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Mosura PH Down

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So I am trying Mosura PH Down because I'm trying to get the correct parameters for OEBT.  I got GH 7 and kh 4 with a PH of 7.3.  TDS is about 135.  I believe this is good.  I am wondering if Mosura PH Down will keep the parameters stable?  It's amazingly powerful stuff :P  I have been running the tank for about  3 weeks with cycled media but I didn't have everything I need to get the water chemistry right until a couple of days ago.  I'm new to shrimp and trying to get it right.  Any help is appreciated.  

Thanks :)

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I'm using RO water with salt shrimp gh/kh. Then I used mosura ph down because after remineralizing the water my ph was at about 7.9/8. Too high. I wish that was my tap water?

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On ‎2016‎-‎04‎-‎03 at 0:42 AM, lizam said:

I'm using RO water with salt shrimp gh/kh. Then I used mosura ph down because after remineralizing the water my ph was at about 7.9/8. Too high. I wish that was my tap water?

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk

I add Salty Shrimp GH+ to adjust the GH to 6. Which is about 1 1/2 scoop for 5 gallon of RO water. The ph is around 6.5.

I then add a tiny bit of Salty Shrimp KH+ to adjust the ph to 7.

My OEBT are doing well in this water parameter.

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Hi Liza,

basically the higher you set the KH, the higher your PH is.  I do the same as fishlover but i add a bit more KH.

target is GH 6-7, KH ~1

1) add Bee Shrimp GH+ to get GH to 4
2) add Shrimp Mineral GH/KH+ to get KH to 1 (which also add around 2 GH as it is a 2:1 GH/KH ratio)




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I add Salty Shrimp GH+ to adjust the GH to 6. Which is about 1 1/2 scoop for 5 gallon of RO water. The ph is around 6.5.

I then add a tiny bit of Salty Shrimp KH+ to adjust the ph to 7.

My OEBT are doing well in this water parameter.

Oh thank you? that is very helpful.

Sent from my SM-G920W8 using Tapatalk

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On 4/5/2016 at 0:43 PM, jumpsmasher said:

Hi Liza,

basically the higher you set the KH, the higher your PH is.  I do the same as fishlover but i add a bit more KH.

target is GH 6-7, KH ~1

1) add Bee Shrimp GH+ to get GH to 4
2) add Shrimp Mineral GH/KH+ to get KH to 1 (which also add around 2 GH as it is a 2:1 GH/KH ratio)




Thank you! :)

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