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Cherry shrimp are wobbly and can't hold on.


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My new cherry shrimp are acting strange, wobbling very fast and not being able to hold on to anything. When they swim they dash around crashing into things. This is only after2 days in my tank. PH is 7.2 gh 160 kh 0 to 40 nitrates 20. Tank is cycled for 4 years and used to have a thriving PFR colony. Now I can't keep shrimp alive without this behavior and eventually death.

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No as it is an undergravel filter. I feel that something was in my tap water so I started using bottled spring water. Two tetras, baby ramshorns, 2 rabbit snails and 2 dwarf crayfish as well as 2 nerites are all fine. Only the shrimp are affected. Could nitrates of 20 be killing them?

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Don't have a copper test kit. The spring water comes out the same as tank water. Today they are flipping upside down and floating to the bottom. They will probably be gone soon. Ammonia 0 nitrite 0 and nitrates 20 ppm. Could it be the nitrites. I changed so mech water to spring water because there is supposed to be 1.3 copper in my tap water. However the baby and adult snails are fine.

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