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Ghost shrimp or amano shrimp??

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Hey! Yesterday I went to the LFS looking for a buddy for my ghost shrimp. I ended up getting the smallest shrimp there, and at the time, I guess the employee thought that it was a ghost shrimp... But now I'm not so sure... Can someone identify this shrimp?


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Definitely not a ghost. Their rostrums are held at a higher angle and their eyes are wider set. Also their tails tend to have a more pronounced bump, and their poop line or whatever it's called runs along their belly instead of their back.

Not the best picture, but one of my ghosts for comparison.a548f6fcecd18ab37272de661f495464.jpg

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It looks more like amano to me.  This is a pretty good shot of an amano.  They can start out pretty small, especially if male.  Mine hang from the duckweed and swim around much like the neos.

2016-04-19 08.17.37.jpg

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I was looking at this video, and these shrimp are apparently baby red cherry shrimp. This is excactly what my shrimp looked like when I got him. He has lately shed his skin, and I've realized that he is starting to develop some red markings... Do you think there is a possibility that he might be a red cherry shrimp?

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