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Has my shrimp died?


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Has my dream blue shrimp died? Or shredded? I seen 3 of these last night and 1 today I had 9 shrimp but can only see 4, I have a heavily planted tank and only had these shrimp for a week?


Also I have plecos in my tank, there double nearly 3 times the size of my shrimp and they seem to just bump into my shrimp, will this upset them? 




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Thats a molt! That means it's growing and getting used to your water. Since they're relatively new, they're most likely molting to be more suitable to your water parameters. Since your tank is heavily planted, there's plenty of spaces to hide too. When shrimp molt, they feel vulnerable and soft so they hide! No worries! Also from what I heard some plecos grow to be more aggressive depending. Might stress your shrimp a little into hiding more. Not sure if it's a danger to your shrimp, maybe someone else is more of an expert on plecos?

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I've kept bristlenose pleco variants (Ancistrus sp. like ABN, Calico, green dragon, etc.) with shrimp. I am by no means a pleco expert, but in my experience they don't seem to bother the shrimp since the shrimp do not seem stressed and can still breed. However, If you have multiple males, they will get territorial and could probably injure your shrimp while fighting. I would also recommend heavy rains filtration if you don't already have that. The bioload of a pleco is more than a sponge filter will handle over time without constantly changing the water. Pleco's are dirty fish and your shrimp are likely in more danger of the ammonia that could spike than the plecos themselves.

But like ohmiko said, that's a molt, and clean molts are definitely a good thing!!! It means growing (maybe berried) shrimp!

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Oh wow I'm really pleased now thanks for the replys, I managed to remove the plecos and they was all male, I managed to used an old take away plastic tub cut a hole in and sat 4 algae wafers in, within 2mins they was in haha there now in a different take gonna keep this tank just for shrimp, they kept crawling on my hand when I was setting the pleco trap never had that before lol they all seem to be out and about now 1acd0b74f4.jpeg

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5 hours ago, Kizzle said:

they kept crawling on my hand when I was setting the pleco trap never had that before lol they all seem to be out and about now 

well that worked well. 

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