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Mosspearl's Fishy & Shrimpy Journal


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Going to keep track of my tank params here as I get back into testing routines with the goal of getting some shrimp later this year. Not aiming high... just some red cherry shrimp...even culls would work. My goal is to keep them alive longer than 6 months and get them to breed.

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Had some extra time tonight since my computer was fighting a virus. ::cough cough::: Hopefully it's gone now.

Anyway, I did TDS, KH and GH on my tanks.

10 gallon: TDS 582 KH 2 GH 15

TruAqua: TDS 370 KH 12 GH 13 (tank has cuttlebone in it)

Evolve8: TDS 220 KH 7 GH 8 (tank has cuttlebone in it)

It's a start.

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Thanks. No shrimp in there yet, just some fish. I'm prepping for future shrimp. Not sure if they'll ever go in that tank or not, but it could work for culls if nothing else. Had to get a baseline so I need to know where to go from here. :)

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