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Evo's Ebi's- Mosura BB


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What better way to start a journal than with pics of these little guys? Love the patterns on them but seeing as they're still juvies I'm hoping they color up a little more later down the road. Tank that they're going in isn't quite done cycling so for now they're in a breeder net in my PRL tank =P Enjoy!
















I have a total of five of them but one kept avoiding the camera so I'll try and get another picture of it when I can haha


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Yea they're going into a 45P Do!Aqua tank by themselves and will be separate from the other BB that I have. I want to see if these guys have Mosura BB babies and will cull any non-Mosura BB offspring and put them into the BB tank provided that they're BB. If not then they'll be going into the TB tank haha

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That's my overall goal with these ones here....I'm just hoping one of them is a female or else I'm sorta screwed for the time being LOL. I've read that there is a 3:1 male to female ratio in TBs and I only got five of them so my chances of having a female are pretty slim atm :(

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You could always breed them to a female BB maybe the shadow will come out dominant from the male. While not idea it is an option might work out in the long run because you could refine the amount of blue and black on the crown.

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That's what I was thinking but for now I'm just hoping for the best that I have that one female Mosura BB *crosses fingers* but if not I'll see if I can put my best looking BB female with the Mosura BB and see the outcome.


To my understanding, if i bred the female BB to male MosuraBB the first offspring won't show any signs on the Mosura pattern....it'd be the second generation of babies that have the trait.

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Very nice Mosura BB!! Wish you luck on the offspring.

Thanks! I want to get more of them too but could only grab five at the time lol

I think the male TB carry the pattern/coloring.

Don't let Chris see this thread. He'll droll on computer screen! LOL

All I can do is hope for the best and see if i can spot the difference once they mature a little more haha

Chris already knows LOL

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Unfortunately I lost one today -___- don't know how. I looked red when I picked it out of the tank




ammonia: 0



TDS:200 <--- maybe why? I got them from a tank that had 150-180 tds and it's nearing time for my weekly water change. Everyone else is happy in the breeder net as well as the PRL who are in the tank.

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I think the male TB carry the pattern/coloring.

Don't let Chris see this thread. He'll droll on computer screen! LOL

I've already been stalking him haha.
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Are you using ro/di water? are you toping off with ro/di water? what's your ph and kh? Water temperature? Personally like to run tds of 130 gives me a gh of 5 once tds hits 150 w/c. Sorry you lost one lets hope is an isolated thing.

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I use distilled water since I don't have ro/di water lol.....heard bad things about the water dispensers at local stores so I don't use that. I top off with non-remineralize distilled water daily.


ph I don't have low test kit so test always shows 6.0 which is the lowest it gets. kH is 0. I've raised my gh recently to 6 so tds went up to 200 but it shouldn't be from tds shock and I recently started dosing flourish trace at 0.5ml...I know I know...copper kills shrimp but at such a low dosage it's harmless and will be used up by plants and the shrimp themselves


Not really tripping out on the tds being high since I do water change on Saturdays and it'll be lower come Saturday and high tds wont kill them it's drastically lowering it that makes them suffer


I think it's just a random death from possible molt cuz if something was really wrong I dont think I'd be able to have a berried PRL in the same tank...obviously I freaked out because it's my first time with Mosura BB/BKK haha =P


Best bet by others I've asked is nutrients/trace elements/micro fauna so I'll continue to monitor the tank and see how it goes! But it still does suck to lose one of them regardless....left with four now

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I would put an ro/di system on my must have list it's so worth it especially if you want to breed. From bottle to bottle you don't really know what your getting. 

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Its been on my list but i never really got to looking at them intently because it produces a bunch of waste water so i just get distilled water which is pure too and since we're in a drought id rather not have all that watwr from the ro/di go to waste

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alrighty finally moved the Mosura BBs to their tank! Pics were taken after moving them so they're not as colored as they usually are but are coloring back up slowly.











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