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My shrimp couldn't care less about their food


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They just don't care at all when I put food in their dish. I use borneo wild spinach. Is it because they don't care for it? I haven't even seen anybody nibble it. Maybe they can't find it or are full enough of biofilm and snail poop? 

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I had Crs that did this. Just never ate. I added powdered foods occasionally in the hopes they would eat. They did fine this way for months. What finally did it was adding some pfr to the tank. The pfr ate normal food and now the Crs do too. Like they had to be taught or something.

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Being new to shrimp, I am very unsure if I am feeding enough or too much. I don't feed them unless I see them "lining up" at the chow line.


I always feed them in the same spot, so I guess they will let me know when it's grub time. I will not add any food if I see they haven't eaten the last meal, but

so far, haven't seen that. Snails love leftovers. I tried a blanched baby spinach leaf once-no bites. I tried carrots because I thought it would enhance color.

A few nibbles. Just a few nibbles on peas, too. So, it's crab cuisine pellets, algae chips, and the occasional squirt of my betta/guppy fry stew. (ew. Microworms,

spirulina, sinking carnivore pellets, shrimp pellets, and basically a bunch of assorted flake foods ground up in a peppermill)


They snack on dried banana leaves, but I think it's more out of something to do when doing their daily tank rounds, because they don't linger long.

Want to try a canned green bean, seen it on a post somewhere that they like them. I'm debating french style or italian cut?



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Your shrimp probably just have sufficient biofilm in their tank and they prefer that to prepared foods. This usually happens in tanks with low stocking densities (like 10 shrimp in a 10 gallon) or newly introduced shrimp. As the population increases or they consume all the biofilm they will be much more interested in food you give them. When I feed my tanks (regardless of what I feed them) they all start getting really active and swimming around to find the food. Within 2 minutes there is a big ball of shrimp around the food.

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The saying goes that if the shrimp still have food in 3 hrs after feeding- then you are feeding too much.


I feed my cherries M, W, F.  That's it.  Some people feed less than that.  Some people feed more.  It all depends on what you prefer.


My Malawa are fed every day.  I have so many in the tank they can turn cannibalistic if not enough food.

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I have had good luck with the Replashy Shrimp Soufflé. I feed 12 shrimp a 1/4" cube twice a week

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I attempt to feed them once a week. They don't touch it at all. It's def. low density: 5-7 shrimp in a 10g. I will keep trying once a week until they decide they want to eat it. I'm sure they're just enjoying all the natural stuff!

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I hear a lot of people like the Replashy Shrimp Soufflé, but also hear it can be a pain to make?

It took a couple of tries because I make a small amount, but once you get it down, it is like making Jello.

I just heat up my water and mix it outside (smells), better to be too wet than too dry

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