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how much water do you change when you change it for your fish?


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yes i am nuts we all know that with the way i keep and breed all my aquatic critters but how much and how often do you change water?

here is what i do. and when i first got fish in it was weekly now its like once a month lol



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I usually do about 50% on my fish tanks and 20-30% or so on shrimp tanks.

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Same here, about 50% of water changes on my fish tanks, and 15 to 25% on my shrimp tanks every two weeks.

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I do about 25%-30% bi-weekly (I only have one angelfish in my 75g) and I test my shrimp tanks weekly and just do water changes if something is off or if it looks dirty. I have fancy taps that I can't use Python-like attachments so I have to use buckets. And the less I drag around a 5g bucket back and forth, the better it is for me.

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It depends on what kind of fish I'm keeping. I do daily 100% water change for my discus and I rarely do any water change for my apistos, maybe monthly 33% and sometimes every two months.

I want discus so bad! I don't have the time and patience for them though. :(

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I use the highly scientific method of "when I'm not working on Sunday" and "until I get sick of lugging jugs" to determine frequency and amount of water changes ;) although it averages out to once every two weeks and 20-30%. I consider the tank to be moderately stocked and lightly planted, and in the last several months nitrates have not seemed to top 30 ppm.

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