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Breeders & Keepers Magazine Review

Soothing Shrimp

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Okay, just so everyone knows where I am coming from, I bought both 1 and 2 and love them both.


In Magazine 1 there were some great interviews with how keepers kept their shrimp and their params.  Unfortunately it was very form like.  Same questions for the interviewee to answer.  Like it was sent to them via e-mail or snail mail and they had to fill in a form.


Many of us expressed out opinions that we love the magazine with such awesome pictures and information, it it gets tedious reading the same format all the way through.  Several of us expressed we would like to see some genetics articles as well.  To the creator's credit, he not only read comments, but he replied and changed format and added additional info in the 2nd magazine.


I received the 2nd mag earlier this season from Oblong Shrimp and it is jam packed with new information AND genetics info leading from the very basics of punnet squares to the more valuable information of selective breeding and bell curves regarding shrimp.  Some diagrams are not needed or redundant, but this is easily forgiven as such information has never (to my knowledge) be offered in an American translation magazine before.


Well done!  I can't wait to get the 3rd mag when it comes out, so Will- hold one for me! ;)


What are other's thoughts?

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I changed the title to make it show up better in searches ;)

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Wow, they blew me away! The photography is amazing and it is full of information, and

exciting stuff going in the Shrimp World. I got both volumes, and I am only half way

through volume one. Exciting stuff, way worth the price. I hope they continue to

put these out. Someone should start one in the US.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I asked the supplier and there isn't a release date yet.  -_-

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