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new guy from Michigan


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Whats up? I Started shrimp like 2weeks ago. Joined in a panic because all my shrimp were dying (that has seemed to stop now) I skipped the introduction and went straight to the "OMG HELP!!" thread haha.

im 25 from SE Michigan. Im a piranha keeper. Currently have;

-120gal housing 8 Pygocentrus Nattereri.(red bellies)

-55gal housing a solo Serrasalmus Eigenmanni.

-55gal housing A Serrasalmus Rhombeus (black piranha)

And now a 10gal housing 7 grade AA cherry shrimp (started with 20! They were dying off for some unknown reason)

I hope you all can help me get my act together so I can keep the more tricky high end shrimp in the future!

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Welcome friend! I do miss my piranha's, I had to re home them when I move back to Florida. My pride and joy was meathead 3 1/2 pound red belly, I got him when he was the size of a quarter needless to say I was very attached to him.

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He was pushing 14 inches. When I went to move him, I put him in a Styrofoam cooler with in 2 sec he had put 5 holes in the cooler so I move him to an igloo cooler took him to my friends house and cried like a baby all the way home. I loved that fish.

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This was 20 years ago, he was in a biotope 125 gallon with heavy peat filtration, lots of beef heart and love. He really was a monster, red bellies account for more human deaths than any other species of Piranha, they are the true man eaters.

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Welcome D3r


Sounds like a starwars robot name.   :)    I am sure that you will get lots of advice here and if we can't save whats left of your cherries, we can at least offer comfort  and commissary   and help you start over.   

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