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Maybe I'm a worrier

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I will admit that I become a little obsessed with my shrimp. I have seen a very tiny baby or two in my PRL tank and that was a week ago. I can't find one anywhere now. I do have a very large growth of moss that need to be reduced and retied to the driftwood so that might be in that. The Kh is 1-2 and the Gh is 5. Tds is 130. Am I being overly concerned? I had 2 berried and now see another berried. Pretty sure the first two have had the babies since it has been so long And I only see the newly berried one. I feel like I should be seeing babies. I have decided to just top off the tanks each week with a small amount of Blood Diamond instead of weekly WC and last week I did a fast WC instead of the slow drip I usually do. Any advice?

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Sounds like your water is fine, one of the major contributing factors for high mortality rate is feeding when they are first born.  They will feed on the biofilm for the first week or so then they will take things like bee pollen, bacter and powdered baby foods.

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Wow...I am only keeping tanks at 73. This is an older colony so I guess I want to make sure they reproduce before they get too old. You're right though I need to chill.

Ryeguy...I do feed bee pollen and powdered baby food but maybe I started too early. Time will tell. I thought I saw someone on Facebook group tell a member who was having problems with babies living that the copepods in the tank were the problem. They did not mean scuds because someone tried to clarify that but I got called away and never found the thread again. I didn't think seed shrimp etc were a problem. I mean short of keeping fish in there I don't know how not to have that sort of thing.

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Wow...I am only keeping tanks at 73. This is an older colony so I guess I want to make sure they reproduce before they get too old. You're right though I need to chill.

Ryeguy...I do feed bee pollen and powdered baby food but maybe I started too early. Time will tell. I thought I saw someone on Facebook group tell a member who was having problems with babies living that the copepods in the tank were the problem. They did not mean scuds because someone tried to clarify that but I got called away and never found the thread again. I didn't think seed shrimp etc were a problem. I mean short of keeping fish in there I don't know how not to have that sort of thing.

ah i feel like you are talking about me! i posted the same thing. i have no idea where my babies go... no success since last fall :( its so depressing!!!!!!!

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I know! I am hoping going from weekly WCs to top offs with Blood Diamond will help. We're you the one who posted about this and got someone saying the copepods were the problem? I didn't get to read far enough to see what his reasons were for saying this.

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I would continue the weekly water changes. There's no reason to stop if the shrimps have been happy with the current schedule. Once you have a good colony going, you'll have baby shrimps in there constantly and you'll still have to keep up with the water change.

Relax and do what you usually do. You'll see shrimplets soon enough.

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I kept my blue neo babies in a breeder box after mamma dropped them and let them feed on some dirty floss out of my HOB when they were 3 weeks old I dropped them all (15 of them) into the main tank....just saw a few of them on the sponge filter and inside the feeding dish today.


Babies need lots of biofilm to survive the 1st few weeks....this is why I keep mine in a breeder box to give them a better chance of survival.  I know its not everyone's idea of a good thing, but it works for me.   Im sure you have babies hiding in the driftwood eating there, and when they are big enough to venture out into the open you will see them.  Give them time....its a big world to them out there and adult shrimps are bullies!

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Yee-hah!!!! They WERE hiding....just saw 6 teensy prls...cutest things ever. I will try to stop the worrying...I said TRY!

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You'll be over run soon, I started with 18 in November and culled them down to 7 (2 males and 5 females), I have 150+ babies and juveniles now with my females carrying eggs or babies all the time. If things go well, knock on wood, I should easily have over 1000 by the end of the year.

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Hope so...these are colorfan's PRL colony and he always has top notch shrimp. I will have to do some culling but wanted the colony to reestablish itself. I can cull with a clean conscience because my grandson takes them all. I taKe him around to big box pet stores so he can "save" feeder shrimp.

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