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pic of my Crystal White Bee babies.

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I grabbed this pic of them today....counted 9 of them hanging out, but the rest were flitting around

the marina box.  I have at least 20 of them.


They are eating and growing good in there, so another couple of weeks and they can go into the main tank.



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Congratulations! I am growing more and more interested in Ghost Bee/Crystal White shrimp.

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German Breeders used these to create the Blue/white striped tigers.  I know Micha Nadal and he told me he used a CWB to OEBT or Royal Blue Tiger (can't remember which one it was) and the hybrid was a gorgeous blue striped shrimp.  I fell in love with CWB right there and then, but they weren't available in this country at that time.  A few breeders keep them now.  I LOVE them they are sooo cool looking.


A couple of these babies are NOT CWBs...you can just see them on the side wall of the box, they look like

baby CRS but they aren't.  I believe they came from my OEBT female, but don't know who the daddy is, so

they could be mischlings.


These CWB babies are identical to the mother, so the daddy is definitely my CWB male.

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just took another look at those reddish ones and they are definitely NOT crystal whites.  They don't have the customary 2 solid white bands around the body that the cwb babies have.  They have a spot then further down another red band, but it doesn't go around the body.  I do have a CRS male in that tank, so could be mischlings....cool.

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Beautiful shrimp, both parents are cws?




will create a CWS colony first, then do some interbreed projects.

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They have been growing on my lately, might be one of my next purchases.


I got mine from Erik, very active and healthy.

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I originally had mine from Speedie but then I sold them.  I wanted some of Erik's but missed out on his auction on aquabid so when I saw them at Shrimpfever in Toronto I grabbed 6 of them.  Took for ages for them to settle, but finally one female decided to get berried.  They have quite a large clutch...by the time mine dropped hers, her belly was dragging on the floor!


here's my lady and her friend which turned out to be another female. The males are more whitish.


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My gal is saddled again....round 2.


from seeing saddle to get berried is about 2 weeks in my case.

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I have a berried CW moma about to drop any day now. I started with 6 and only got one female this will be her 4th clutch and I have about 50 shrimp, not counting the ones she is carrying now. She drops @ day 27 every time she is berried, her first clutch is almost full grown so my colony should be really taking off soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Big molt in the tank yesterday and CWB mamma is berried today!  Round 2.  I have babies all over the tank now, growing good. I think I might have some CWB x CRS crosses, as some are definitely red.  Will make for interesting babies when they grow up and reproduce.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sad new I woke up to find my CWB mamma dead....don't know why.  She was up and around yesterday.


Ive taken her apart and freed the eggs, put them in a container with methylene blue and alder cone and an airstone on

high to swirl them around a bit, but Im not holding me breath that any will survive.  I may have been too late.

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