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What to use to cool my tanks?

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In the summer my room that I keep my tanks in gets pretty warm. Probably close to what the outside temp is. Some how last summer some of my cherries survived, now that I have more shrimp I want to be more careful. Last year was a learning year.

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There is no replacement for AC besides a chiller on the more sensitive breeds. I still use a thermostat controlled fan but only to keep temp steady. You can pick s controller up from amazon for like $20. That way the fan isnt constantly running requiring less top offs.

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could you link a controller so we know what you are talkinga bout Forumsnow?  I would be interested in that.     It wasnt supposed to be as warm today so I didnt turn on my fan before work  by the time I got home the tank was at 76  :(

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An air conditioner is kind of impossible. The area is an closed in porch that wasn't being used. It has windows; however, I can't get them up. The porch is basically like another room in the house. I have about 5 tanks in there. My tropical fish do fine, but I know most people don't recommend over 74 for shrimp tanks. Most of the time the water temp gets around 80-84. The tanks range from 5.5 g to 20g. I have one 5.5 g, two 10 g, two 20 g.  I agree could you link the controller and what kind of fan? 

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Do a search for STC-1000 on eBay or Amazon. I've been using these controllers for years now and they are reliable and cheap. Just make sure to get the correct voltage for your region.


The instructions are complete Chinglish but google has lots of examples of how to wire it up and program it.

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Yep that's the one. There are a bunch of youtube videos on how to wire.

80-84 might be ok for neos, I have never really kept them. It would be far to hot for any cardinia for any extended period of time. I have never gone over maybe 73.

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I find this question quite a bit, and my answer is certainly an opinion. But, don't most of us have central air conditioning? I simply set my thermostat during the summer around 74-75, all my aquariums stay around that temperature without much variation. Though it could cost you a extra couple dollars a month doing this, but I live in South Georgia where it gets quite hot and humid, and I don't notice a substantial difference on the monthly bill oppose to buying something that will do the proper job like a chiller.

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I dont think Central Ac is standard in most parts of the country.     I don't know anyone who has it in NH.    Well.. thats not true. I have a couple really rich clients who do but thats it. 

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I dont think Central Ac is standard in most parts of the country. I don't know anyone who has it in NH. Well.. thats not true. I have a couple really rich clients who do but thats it.

Same in norther NY. We only see 2 to 3 90 degree days a year. Most people don't even bother with AC even up here

have a gneiss day

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I live in Maryland and most of the places here have a "central" heating system, but not central air. It doesn't get uncontrollably hot until mid June and beginning of July. Mainly homeowners (who brought a central air unit and had it installed) and apartments have central air, which I don't live in either. Besides it's a porch area not a main room in my house. The main rooms have air conditioning but not the porch area. I will look into the STC 1000.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does the STC-1000 or any other fans you guys know of run quiet? I am going to need to get a couple fans for my tanks... lost a Berried CRS today when I noticed my temp was higher than normal... bleh... But I need them to run pretty quiet for sleeping.



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The STC-1000 is not a fan. It is a temp controller that you would use to control a fan.


If you want quiet, you should look at the fans used for PCs. Something like this is very common in a PC shop and they are almost inaudible at lower voltages.



You'd have to use an AC adapter and switch the DC though the STC-1000.

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