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Would like some input on starting a new tank


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I want to start anew and set up a shrimp only tank and do it properly from the start. I feel like I've had so many issues with my current 5G and it was mostly from a lot of ignorance and lack of experience. 


I just bought a new rimless 10G tank :)


I'm very much interested in the way DETAquarium has gone with his "Simple Shrimp Setup" thread and his youtube videos. You can see them here 



I think I want to stick with neos and tigers. Reason being is that I like the idea of having two types that can live in similar parameters and won't interbreed. 


I guess I'm mostly curious about initial setup. I don't have subtrate yet but I was thinking of getting Controsoil since the LFS carries it and I don't know if I want to deal with the ammonia leeching in ADA. 


What about using mineral powders under the substrate?

I already have products like GlasGarten Bacter AE and MK Breed Silver. 


I can use the sponge filter from my current 5G if it helps to speed up cycling. 



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ControSoil is a very bad choice for neos and tigers. The best pH for those 2 together would be 7 pH.

ControSoil keeps your pH very low around 5-5.5


Use something like regular gravel or black lava rock(Eco Complete/FloraMax).

Thanks. So I definitely want an inert substrate? The only thing is I don't like the look of gravel and prefer more of a controsoil/ada/fluval look with some nutrients for plants if possible.

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ControSoil is a very bad choice for neos and tigers. The best pH for those 2 together would be 7 pH.

ControSoil keeps your pH very low around 5-5.5


Use something like regular gravel or black lava rock(Eco Complete/FloraMax).


I use play sand or pool sand for all my Neos. (mixing little crashed coral too, but it's option)


cheaper $4/50lbs bag and works great.

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Agree with the pool sand recommendation. Especially if you intend on keeping blue shrimp...really makes the color pop. If you want the ADA look, you can try flourite or eco complete but neither really has the little balls look.

Stick with SS GH/KH+. You could buy a bunch of substrate additives but really all they will do is speed up the cycle. Since you have a seeded sponge filter, it won't make a huge difference if you take your time cycling and aging. Definitely add a small canister or HOB filter like an aquaclear 20.

You can make a beautiful aqua scape with water column feeders like anubias, Java fern, buce and moss. I'd avoid high demand root feeders as the substrate won't have much to feed on and it can be a little sketchy dealing with root tabs in a shrimp tank.

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Thanks everyone. I very much appreciate the help


and thank you for the plant suggestions. I do like my floaters. I just hated how their roots sometimes blocked the view but since this 10G will be quite a bit taller, it shouldn't be as much of an issue. and I could always just stick with plain ol' moss on the bottom :)

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