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It's Official Northeast Shrimp and Plant BBQ August 1st


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We officially have an event happening August 1st 12-5pm. Equipment, plant and shrimp sell/swap, shrimp and equipment raffles with fantastic prizes, food and great conversation!! All are welcome


Han Aquatics
107 Southbridge Rd
Charlton, MA

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remember, I need head count as it get closer so there enough food/donations/raffles for everyone :)

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Glad to see you were able to make this happen, hopefully we can continue these traditions and eventually get to a point within our hobby to hold something nationally.

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Okay i am 90% sure i will be in attendance. Will just have to sneak out of a bday party early so will be in charlton for the 2nd half of the meet. Looking forward to it. I dont have enough shrimp yet to swap but will be sure to do a trim of plants before i come out for swap/raok to someone there. I also have some equipment for swap that i can bring.

Han- Im guessing your store will be open to sales while we are there right? I would love to buy a buce or 2 that day.

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Okay i am 90% sure i will be in attendance. Will just have to sneak out of a bday party early so will be in charlton for the 2nd half of the meet. Looking forward to it. I dont have enough shrimp yet to swap but will be sure to do a trim of plants before i come out for swap/raok to someone there. I also have some equipment for swap that i can bring.

Han- Im guessing your store will be open to sales while we are there right? I would love to buy a buce or 2 that day.


That would be fantastic, I think we are all trying to bring some items to give away and others to sell/trade. There will be plenty of goodies to share for sure.

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There are TONS of events I see on Facebook in Europe, am I mistaken?

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Ok so I'll need a final head count for peole who will be attending. Basically from 12 and on.

So I can grab enough food for people.

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Ok so I'll need a final head count for peole who will be attending. Basically from 12 and on.

So I can grab enough food for people.

I definitely wont be there until on the later side so please dont include me on the food count.

Is anyone planning to bring shrimp to sell?

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