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Shrimp/Prawn ID? Macrobrachium? Need experts


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Hi all. I am asking for another person if anyone can identify this shrimp/prawn.

Not sure if Macrobrachium, Palaemon or Palaemonetes species. Need expert opinion. No idea if this is even a dwarf species or not.


Common name and/or scientific name is very much appreciated.

Any info is nice as well (in case there is not much info out there).


This shrimp would probably kill anything it can get it's claws on huh?

No worries though, this shrimp will be housed appropriately (by itself if necessary)


Pictures can be found here.


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I am leaning towards a young Macrobrachium red claw but some of these shrimp look rather similar .


I had Indian whisker shrimp . Their claws were nothing like the one in your pic and they were still killers as far as would actively hunt down guppies at night .


I'm just guessing that yours might be red claw but even if I am wrong. Shrimps with claws like that are shrimp that kill . lol .

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Yepper. Bred lots of them. Ph7+, gh has been anywhere from 7 to 12 and up successfully depending on tank. Temp currently 75F.

The secret to breeding them for me was a hair algae mass, instead of moss. They dig under it, use it like a cave, hide in it, climb on it, and I *believe* they even eat it as well.

I also feed flake as a main food.

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Yepper. Bred lots of them. Ph7+, gh has been anywhere from 7 to 12 and up successfully depending on tank. Temp currently 75F.

The secret to breeding them for me was a hair algae mass, instead of moss. They dig under it, use it like a cave, hide in it, climb on it, and I *believe* they even eat it as well.

I also feed flake as a main food.


Thanks I thought of keeping a pair in a 20 gallon long with 4 Whisker shrimp but suspect the red claws would kill them.


These Whisker shrimp are killers in their own right and live there by themselves so it was a bad idea every which way .


I do love the red claw shrimp and intend to get some when the whisker shrimp expire .


Have your red claw killed any of their own ?

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The males can be aggressive with each other, however I use tenners for the colony and since I've added the hair algae, they have places to hide in the "vegetation."


Mostly males and sometimes fems lose claws that grow back.


I used to use my 25T for my red claws.  With the hair algae, I must have had close to 50 in there.

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Thanks OP for posting.  I thought I had an account here, guess I was wrong. 


I'm the one with the unidentified red claw looking shrimp.  It's DEFINTELY NOT a euryrhynchus amazoniensis. 


This shrimp is only about 1.25".  Based on the research I've done & the other person that's knowledable about these critters, it's most likely a red claw variant from Asia. 


Please post a link to any shrimp that you think it actually matches because I can pick out obvious differences in every picture I've seen. 

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