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Got green hair algae?


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So in the fuge, i have some form of green hair algae that is thriving.  I have thought about isolating the tank and treating it with h2o2 but there are two yo-yo loaches in there, and would have to move them to get the level of h2o2 strong enough to wipe it out.


How have you gotten rid of this stuff?  Shrimp and loach safe would be great.

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I had my entire 40b infested with this stuff and no one would touch it. I would spot treat it with excel and h2o2 and it would take care of that spot, but there was just too much. I eventually bought some dry fertilizers and started to EI dose. The plants started growing better and faster and eventually out competed the algae. I also think elevate shrimp sells something that reduces hair algae and is shrimp and fish safe as well.

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My breeding tank is growing it enthusiastically due to big bio load. My puffer fluval spec 3 has a few strands due to the algae control having been eaten.

Yesterday I added 4 otos to the breeding tank to try to deal with it. Then I shaved it down with a scraper as the otos didn't much care about it.

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Crossocheilus siamensis, Siamese Algae Eaters, will readily eat hair algae as juveniles. They will get large, though, and lose interest in the algae once older and if there's other, tastier foods around. Amano shrimp will help. I kept pulling hair algae out of my dwarf hairgrass carpet until I found the right balance of Excel dosing and lighting time. That, and as Pokeshrimp mentioned above, my carpet filled in and out-competed the algae.

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If I remember correctly there's also a fish that looks like SAE, but is not and won't touch the stuff... hold on...



Fascinating. I remember in college right out of high school doing a fisheries and wildlife degree, we had to be able to identify every cyprinid native to NY state. Wow, there were a lot!

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The local Petco has Florida Flag fish, if you have one close you might try one.

I wouldn't try one in a shrimp tank because I do not know if they are safe but since you have yoyo loaches I'm guessing this is not a shrimp tank?

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Just yesterday I had to rip out a large cluster of moss because it was infested with green hair algae.  I tried pulling it out but there was just too much.  :(  Wish I could have saved it.  Wish I knew how to prevent it!

I have used this product with success http://www.elevateshrimp.com/collections/shrimp-accessories/products/hair-algae-killer. It takes a few weeks and  I did 20% water changes at the end of every week of treatment . Shrimps and snails did fine.

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The local Petco has Florida Flag fish, if you have one close you might try one.

I wouldn't try one in a shrimp tank because I do not know if they are safe but since you have yoyo loaches I'm guessing this is not a shrimp tank?

The tank shares the water with the shrimp, but is a separate tank. I've never heard of a Florida Flag fish. Will have to look that up. :)

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If they are available in your neck of the woods, Crossochelius reticulatus (http://www.seriouslyfish.com/species/crossocheilus-reticulatus/) are effective hair and beard algae eating machines. They are commonly called "Silver Flying Foxes". They are not really shrimp safe, but very effective nonetheless.



Tankful in Vancouver!

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