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Red root floaters, free but you pay shipping

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I've got red root floaters that have multiplied enough to start taking over one of my planted tanks.

Rather than just throwing them away, figured I would see if anyone wanted a handful or so.


I've also got some Rotala, it is either "indica" or "rotundifolia" that could use a trimming, if anyone wanted some rotala trimmings.

Under strong light it gets a pinkish orange at the tops.



There are a few pond snails in that tank. I'm definitely not overrun with them or anything, but it is plausible the plants could contain snail eggs.

I'll check em over before packing them but if you're afraid of snails, you may want to dip them.




I can do a $6 flat rate box, or send them protected in a padded envelope.. dunno what shipping would be but I cant image it'd cost more than like $4




Looks like everything has been claimed, I'll get back to the PMs shortly.


If you missed out and still want them, i'm sure i'll have more to give away in a couple weeks.


How long are the roots of the floaters? I have frogbit in my main planted tank and its roots always get tangled up in may cabomba


All the excess ive got currently has been claimed, but just to answer your question...

I've not seen any longer than an inch and a half or so.




Got my plants today! Thank you very much! Will leave FB later.


Did they show up OK?

Was not really sure how to package floating plants


Hey Jynn,


My RRF showed up today, and they were in pretty great condition.  It's funny you say you don't know how to package floaters.......I thought they were professionally packaged when I opened them.  Not sure how you made the little air pocket baggie, but it was great, especially for floaters.  


I really appreciate the kind gesture, thanks so much.


Hey Jynn,


My RRF showed up today, and they were in pretty great condition.  It's funny you say you don't know how to package floaters.......I thought they were professionally packaged when I opened them.  Not sure how you made the little air pocket baggie, but it was great, especially for floaters.  


I really appreciate the kind gesture, thanks so much.



I've got a bag sealer.. I just kinda blew into it and smashed it down really fast :P


Got my package today, awesome stuff, thank you!!





I was super worried I accidentally mixed up the packages and sent yours to someone else.

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