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WTB Babaulti shrimp


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I know that BobsTropical had them, but looking lately it seems that no one has these anymore.

I was specifically looking for the green ones, but would really be interested in any of them.

Anybody keep these anymore?

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I was going to buy some from AquaticArts. They had some of the green ones that also throw oranges not too long ago, but I came across a thread here that made them sound sketchy. Their Aquabid feedback doesn't seem bad though. Have you contacted Bob's about their availability? I'm thinking of getting some Sulawesi snails from them soon, before the weather heats up too much.


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I don't think the people at AquaticArts can be that bad. I've been thinking about volunteering at an animal shelter simply because they offer $50 store credit to anyone who helps out at one, or $50 to $100 if you adopts an older shelter animal. Anyone ever try this out? 



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To add to the shortage, Frank's Aquarium also lists them as out of stock.


Rachel O'leary/Msjinkzd sent me this reply when I emailed about the shrimp's availability.


They are not hard to breed, but for the past couple years they have been coming in like complete crap. I used to get them out of India, and that supplier went out of business. Now they are most often available out of Malaysia and come in mostly dead.


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Well, that doesn't sound good. I would have bred mine, but when I originally received, I lost about half and I am pretty sure I wound up with all male/females(their body shape is a bit weird for shrimp). I never saw them berried.  After about a year, they weren't in my tank any longer(death).

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I have tons of baby's but their not growing at all, I got them from an importer and half their stock was dead in the tank l, I still took home 10 to try em out. But like I said baby's born a month ago still look like new borns.

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4 hours ago, thegardenofeder said:

I have tons of baby's but their not growing at all, I got them from an importer and half their stock was dead in the tank l, I still took home 10 to try em out. But like I said baby's born a month ago still look like new borns.

I think you just talked me out of doing this again

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I get my stock from several different sources ( India &  Singapore).  Most of the shipment have been fine. I talked to a guy in india that used to deal with them and he mention the key to importing them is to get them out of the bags they come in as soon as possible - don't even brother with dripping them.. just pour them all out into a net and dump them in the tank.  add a bit of the water in the bags to the tank.  Been doing this with my last few imports and had good success.

Babaulti do grow slow though but nothing too extreme - they grow at the same rate as taiwan bees so about twice as long as regular shrimps. and new shrimps take a while toget berried as well. 

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They are generally not very hard to get in, although somewhat seasonal - I can generally get some on a weekly basis if i go through them that quickly.  Main issue for smaller, or store that in specializes in shrimps and inverts is that they generally only available thru the fish trade channels.  I currently have around 300 in stock and another 300-400 coming in next week but i am in Canada, so that won't help you.

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  • 4 months later...

These ones on ebay may be what you are looking for. Everyone still seems to be out. They are the green strain that also throws out orange shrimp as well, not imported. I think I want some to keep with my red cherry shrimp.



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Thanks, that is perfect. I got some

I kept the black ones in the past, and I notices "orange". I dont know that it is so much that they throw out orange, I think this is just a species that demonstrates a greater variety based on diet, temperature, mood, etc. Just like how several species of crayfish will present certain specific colors under stress.

The black ones are definitely black most of the time and not green. However, they would turn a red/brown/orange shade under conditions I couldn't really predict. 
I imagine the green throwing "orange" might be similar.

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I got mine in on Wednesday. They are not as colorful as I thought they would be, though that might change as they mature and settle in.


I found more here, though it seems that they only offer overnight shipping services.



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  • 8 months later...

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