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Hi guys!!  Please welcome a new shrimper!  I'm really excited about my new hobby.  Quick question, I have one 5gal planted and want to get a second one.  Has anyone had any luck with the top fin tanks..seem kinda cheap, I'm specifically concerned about the filter being strong enough. Here is what I'm looking at https://www.google.com/shopping/product/16927413615827594610?lsf=seller:8064,store:8623518415053359851&prds=oid:7331319747529760829&q=5+gal+tank+led&hl=en&ei=ekUuV568IYezmAWl1Y-IDA&lsft=utm_source:GOOGLE,utm_term:,utm_medium:cpc,utm_content:GSC+-+NonBrand+-+Specialty+-+Fish+%7C+Supplies+-+Aquariums+&lsft=gclid:CMSEhOLcyMwCFQxwvAodnJwF2A  



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Couldn't find any info on the filter GPH (Gallons Per Hour)/flow rate, so I don't know how strong the filter is.

Normally for filtration, you want a x5-7 turn over rate. So a 5 gallon tank, x 5 turn over rate =25 GPH (or 35 GPH for x7). The filter/pump should put out around 25 GPH. Maybe the box has the filter specs written on it.

Depends what you intended to keep in the tank. A betta doesn't need too much surface agitation or flow, so you could get away with a weaker filter. Plants can obstruct water circulation, but usually you can just position the filter outflow better to compensate.


Found this video review on that tank though


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I'd be interested to hear what you find out about the filter flow.  That's a pretty sweet little rimless........I've been looking for something for a bedroom nightstand.  I really like the golden rectangle dimensions.


Can you tell me if the entire filter assembly (including the curved plastic divider) can be removed?

Can the tank be used without the plastic "feet"? (can't tell from the review video)


At first glance I would say that it would appear that you need to "shrimp-safe" the filter intake area....


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Welcome ShrimpDIVA69! We are glad to have you.

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It's a fluval spec knockoff. You don't need to worry about the flow being too weak. A friend of mine uses this for shrimp. He likes it, but the flow is a little on the strong side. Maybe don't use the included filter and get a mini sponge filter instead or cover the outflow with mesh?

Also, welcome to TSS! :]

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I have that aquarium and use a sponge filter and outside pump instead.  Pump (I have a four port, use with four small tanks and set it on low to med low): http://www.petco.com/shop/en/petcostore/fish/fish-tank-pumps-and-powerheads/fish-tank-air-pumps/petco-air-pump-9902-for-freshwater-and-marine-aquariums


Sponge Filters:  http://www.amazon.com/XINYOU-XY-2835-Aquarium-Cylinder-Sponge/dp/B005LMQCW2?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage


The lighting works well.

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