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Antibiotics for incoming shrimp delivery?


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Hi all, been doing some research but would love your opinions. 


Ordered some shrimp online, and had significant die off over the first week with green babaulti shrimp. Vendor is replacing for free but I want to avoid more losses and was trying to figure out what to do in order to accomplish both:

1. Ensuring the shrimp I do have that survived from before don't get infected or anything by this new batch.

2. Treat the new shrimp proactively to help ensure a healthy transition to the new environment.


I don't have any cycled tanks to spare, but have an unused 10 Gallon tank sitting around and an extra filter running on one of my healthy tanks.


I was thinking to open up the shipment, dose with prime and then add kanaplex or melafix right away as I do a slow drip acclimation.


What would you recommend? Shrimp arrive tomorrow night most likely - so unfortunately a bit last minute.



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  • 1 month later...
Hi all, been doing some research but would love your opinions. 
Ordered some shrimp online, and had significant die off over the first week with green babaulti shrimp. Vendor is replacing for free but I want to avoid more losses and was trying to figure out what to do in order to accomplish both:
1. Ensuring the shrimp I do have that survived from before don't get infected or anything by this new batch.
2. Treat the new shrimp proactively to help ensure a healthy transition to the new environment.
I don't have any cycled tanks to spare, but have an unused 10 Gallon tank sitting around and an extra filter running on one of my healthy tanks.
I was thinking to open up the shipment, dose with prime and then add kanaplex or melafix right away as I do a slow drip acclimation.
What would you recommend? Shrimp arrive tomorrow night most likely - so unfortunately a bit last minute.

Hello Again [emoji1366][emoji23]

1. Quarantining your new batch of shrimp would be your best bet. Unfortunately due to the excessive breeding of Neos they tend to be more susceptible to diseases [emoji22]. If you have tank space to spare, I would also suggest separating the shrimp according to their diseases

Scutariella can be solved with a simple aquarium salt dip whilst something like a fungal infection would need more attention (I have loads of experience with the latter)

2. This shouldn’t be an issue if you quarantine all the new shrimp.

Don’t hesitate to ask if you have anymore queries!!

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Oh! And I almost forgot, remove any molts in the quarantine tank. Both parasites and fungus tend to attach to the molts so even though the original diseased shrimp may be free of infection leaving the molts in the tank could lead to the spreading of more disease [emoji22]

I think Rachel O’Leary has a really good video series on how to unpackage and quarantine shipped shrimp! You should check it out [emoji846]

(could only find part 3 though)

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Indeedy [emoji5] nothing Beats waking up in the morning to find a whole bunch of mini candy cane looking shrimp [emoji23]

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Lol no candy canes yet for me. CRS are on the bucket list ;)

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If I may, I have been reading journal papers lately regarding about bacterial infections in shrimp aquaculture. This is definitely different than our shrimp keeping hobby but close enough to get reference from. According to these papers, administering antibiotics does not solve anything. In fact, doing so may increase antibiotic resistance of these bacterias, which are now a big issue to both human and animal medicine. The papers that I read suggest the use of probiotics. These type/kind of bacterias are not pathogenic and do often produce chemicals that prevent the existence of pathogenic bacterias. On the other hand, one paper actually mentioned the issue regarding the use of probiotic in aquaculture (which is the same with Bacter AE), which is sudden lack of oxygen in water. Simple solution is aeration. Probiotic bacterias also was also reported to increase shrimp health. Besides inhibiting pathogenic bacterias' growth, they also help the immune system of the shrimp. I was not surprise when I read in some forums reporting that antibiotics not working in their shrimps after bacterial infection. 


That being said, I would suggest the use of probiotic. Honestly, I am only new to the shrimp hobby so I have not experienced problems such as bacterial infection. Reading journal papers is one of my sources to make sense of a lot of things rather than just completely taking things like a magic pill. Let me know if you are interested in reading these papers yourself. I'll send you the title and you can find them online.

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Love the input. I recently purchased Dr Tim's probiotics and might have to try that for an incoming delivery, perhaps from you wyzazz when I get the itch! ;)

I would love the articles, and I'm sure others would benefit from having them here!

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Just a word of caution: Probiotics are not like magic pill too. I do not want to be interpreted in a wrong way. Probiotics has to be administered correctly and in moderation. Anyways, here are two of the papers that I have read:


The use of probiotics in shrimp aquaculture by Ali Farzanfar.

Disease Control in Shrimp Aquaculture with Probiotic Bacteria by David Moriarty.


I'll look for the others. These are the only two that happen to be lying on my bookshelf. FYI, I am currently looking for recipe in culturing some probiotic bacterias. I will give an update on this later. 




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