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OblongShrimp last won the day on June 4 2020

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About OblongShrimp

  • Birthday April 28

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  • Real Name
    Will Parks (Will Skurdahl)
  • Gender
  • Location
    New Mexico
  • Inverts You Keep
    Crystal Red Shrimp
    Crystal Black Shrimp
    Golden Crystal Shrimp
    Taiwan Bee Shrimp
    Tiger Shrimp
    Orange Eyed Blue Tiger Shrimp
    Red Cherry Shrimp
    Painted Fire Red Shrimp
    Blue Diamond Shrimp
    Yellow Shrimp
    Blue Rili Shrimp
    Blue Ramhorn Snails

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  1. I haven’t experienced this. It could be you had some color mutation that is spreading through your tank. Do you have pictures of the grey ones? Do the adults have that say grey color or are they growing out of it?
  2. Amazonia is a buffering substrate that is meant to be used with soft water (usually RO). Based on your tds you are using tap water with it which will eventually overwhelm the buffering ability of the substrate. That could be stressing the shrimp. Where did you get the shrimp from? Pet store or people selling adults often import them and they are not always particularly healthy.
  3. Currently the blue dreams are the darkest of the blue neos and breed really well and pretty true. I don’t really see blue diamonds around anymore. They looked about like the blue dreams but threw chocolate and Bloody Mary culls.
  4. Usually this happens shortly after a female molts and is ready to breed. Doesn’t sound like anything to get worried about.
  5. Agreed they appear to be copepods. They are harmless to the shrimp.
  6. Those look like empty shells. If you aren’t feeding enough the snails will start to die off.
  7. 50 tds shouldn’t be too big of a deal. I am not sure what settings you are talking about when you say Navi or 442, my tds just has one setting that gives yes.
  8. Are you able to upload it as a jpeg? It isn’t a file type that I can figure out how to view. Do you have surface agitation?
  9. Usually things like carbon or purigen should be removed during treatment so they don't neutralize the active ingredients.
  10. I have them 10 for $59.99. They are bred my myself and not imported. https://www.theshrimptank.com/livestock/blue-dream-shrimp-10-pack-with-free-shipping/
  11. Do you have a gravel vacuum? Basically a wide tube attached to a rubber hose that you can use to drain water. Something like a Python water changer (see link below). You can use that to clean out the junk in the substrate and then just stir the substrate up a little if it is the surface of it that has algae on it. You could also just remove the very top of the substrate if you want. The last picture shows some algae on the glass by the substrate, that is normal. You can push the substrate away and clean it off the glass if you want but it will come back over time.' You don't want the tank too clean since shrimp feed off the biofilm (bacteria and small algae) https://www.amazon.com/25-Foot-Python-Aquarium-Maintenance/dp/B000255NXC
  12. Why are you replacing the plants and substrate? You can probably manually clean a lot of the algae off those plants or spot treat with 1ml of Hydrogen peroxide per gallon (get a syringe and slowly apply it directly to the algae. It will start bubbling and in a day or so turn purple and die).
  13. vinegar can work sometimes but it isn't a strong acid. I you take the rock out and put some vinagar on it and it bubbles or fizzes then the rock will increase your water hardness over time.
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