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Hi from Northern California


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I'm so glad I stumbled upon this forum.  The members seem so knowledgeable, kind and helpful to newbies like myself.  There is such good information here that is really well thought out.  I had red cherries for about a year and when I made too many changes to the tank - changed substrate, added live plants, - lost all my cherries.  Waited several months for tank to re-settle and introduced red rili shrimp in - did fine until I started changing water out with small water changes of ro.  Alas - I did it again, lost 7 of my rili - so I am here wanting to continue learning what to do and what not to do.  I am determined to create a healthy environment and be successful with the remaining rili shrimp.  It gets discouraging, and I want to quit and go back to having a betta by himself - that is so easy to maintain.  But I still want to give this a try again. I think shrimp are wonderful, beautiful creatures - I just need to learn how to give them what they need to live happy lives.

Thank you for allowing me to join and for all the wonderful information that is provided here in this forum

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welcomeani.gif,Shrimpie, I'm just learning too! I also lost shrimp when introducing remineralized RO water too quickly, but think I've got it sorted now by exchanging only 10% daily for a week or so. Now I just top up with pure RO every other day. 

The members on here have been nothing but helpful and encouraging.

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