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Some reports have been that the assassin snail oozes a toxic substance that slows the shrimp down, and catches them that way.


Poopians, I heard the same argument about planaria not being able to catch shrimp too, but after some of my shrimp were caught I declared war.


But like I said, I have no first hand accounts of assassins and shrimp because I won't take that chance.

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I lost one of my blue pearls to an assassin snail, tho I'd hoped it was dead before being eaten now I'm not so sure. Thinking about it, it was still blue and the other turned pink when it died. What a horrible death!

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I lost one of my blue pearls to an assassin snail, tho I'd hoped it was dead before being eaten now I'm not so sure. Thinking about it, it was still blue and the other turned pink when it died. What a horrible death!

from my experience, it takes a long time for it to turn pink after death. Most of the time when i found dead shrimp,they were still red. 

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Well I hope that's the case altho this one was blue and alive in the morning and dead and pink by the afternoon and the one going down an assassin's throat was still blue (but hopefully dead  :( )

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I have 10-15 assassins in all my tanks. Seem to have them always breed, dont have any shrimp loss that i notice and I dont feed them.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi, let me chime in on this. When I started my crs tank, I moved all 3 of assassin snails to another community tank. Just found out that I have 2 babies assassin ( about 3mm in size) hang on to one of adult crs ( about 2.4cm) on its legs. Now this CRS is lying on its side but still alive but unable to swim. So my conclusion is shrimp tank is incompatible with assassin snails. I used to keep rcs and saw one of the snail grab my rcs, thats why i moved them out for this crs tank. FYI, that attacked crs was perfectly healthy ( I saw it grazing et al about 20 mins ago). My guess is if any shrimp grazing on this snail might be grabbed by the snail's sticky tentacles and devour them. I bet if it were other than baby snail my crs would be dead already. Hope she can make it.

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I know this has been debated over and over, but here is my 2 cents for what its worth.


Assassin snails look very much to me like the saltwater Cone snails...one of the most deadliest in the world.


This snail has a barbed harpoon like object which it shoots out of the long trumpet like nose(or whatever they call that tube) and it injects the venom into whatever its trying to catch to eat.


If you look at the Assassin snail it has the very same characteristics as the cone snail. 


My opinion is that it does have a barb that is venomous to other creatures and it does kill baby shrimps (which aren't very fast in the first days of their lives) and will attack an adult shrimp as well, if given the opportunity....not all shrimps are fast. 


I have found my shrimp sleep on the bottom and until I turn on the light they are not aware of anything around them.....an assassin snail could very easily creep up on them while they are in this state.


For this reason I do not keep them in my tanks.

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I know this has been debated over and over, but here is my 2 cents for what its worth.


Assassin snails look very much to me like the saltwater Cone snails...one of the most deadliest in the world.


This snail has a barbed harpoon like object which it shoots out of the long trumpet like nose(or whatever they call that tube) and it injects the venom into whatever its trying to catch to eat.


The gastropod 'tongue' is called a radula, which is covered in little teeth. Some graze on algae, some are predatory.

The cone snail has a modified tooth and a gland that makes neurotoxins, to make this little harpoon structure. (fascinating!)

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