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GlasGarten Bacter AE Hair Algae Bloom

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You guys have really strong light or something? Hair algae is usually signs that your light intensity is very high.

It's common for most shrimpers to keep moss instead of stems, yet a majority of people have those Finnex LEDS or something similar. Such lights are very powerful and have high intensity concentration and so they'll experience algae.

My buddy used to dose bacteria ae during cycling and he reported high nitrate spikes. He never did figure out if it was due to the Bacter AE or as part of his cycling process.

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It may be too much light but why does it only happen AFTER dosing Bacter AE?

My snowball tank was set up for a good month and I just dosed 1/10 spoon of Bacter AE and woke up next day with one of my plants covered in hair algae.

As for the past, I've been dosing Bacter AE almost daily as recommended by instructions on my tank and I was battling hair algae daily. After stopping usage of this product so frequent to every 2-4 weeks, I see no more hair algae until dosing it again.

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Im just using a current usa plus on a 29 gal tank... I mean its not out of control hair algae... But about once a week ill find a few strands growing on one of my mosses.. I just pluck it off and carry on

Same here. It's not crazy crazy but when it grows on one spot and left untreated for a few hours, that becomes madness.

I have Aqueon T8 bulb over mine so I'm on low light.

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It may be too much light but why does it only happen AFTER dosing Bacter AE?

My snowball tank was set up for a good month and I just dosed 1/10 spoon of Bacter AE and woke up next day with one of my plants covered in hair algae.

As for the past, I've been dosing Bacter AE almost daily as recommended by instructions on my tank and I was battling hair algae daily. After stopping usage of this product so frequent to every 2-4 weeks, I see no more hair algae until dosing it again.


in my opinion the recommended instructions are on the extreme side of what I feel is comfortable.  

being that you cut back and noticed less hair algae leads me to believe you have an excessive amount of nutrients in your water when dosing daily + all the other things you are adding (food, etc)

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I have also had hair algae outbreaks and am not certain what the cause is.  It is growing on the back of the tank under the canister filter output and my nitrates are below 2 ppm.  I have been dosing bacterAE every third day.  Silly question but is the hair algae part of the biofilm I am trying to create or a nasty algae to be gotten rid of?

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