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If you ship shrimp......


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If you are shipping shrimp with heat packs I would like to remind you to please take extra care that you protect these little guys from direct contact. I spent late into the night last night making sure the tank was ready for today's shipment of shrimp for a new breeding project. Then I chased the mail person down because she didn't give me time to get to the door before she tore off to deliver the rest of the mail. Whew! Got them before they went back to the post office. Then as I was opening I felt waves of heat coming from the package..the bag of water and shrimp was too hot for my hands!! Poached shrimp! Yes they will be replaced but what if they were not replaceable? I order shrimp after agonizing over just what I want. Once I'm committed I don't want a refund...I want those shrimp. Accidents happen but in this case the bag was placed directly on top of the heat pack with nothing between them. Then they were carefully swaddled in layers of pink insulation. So sad. The breeder I got them from did not pack them and was horrified that this was done...I have used this breeder before and know how carefully they are usually packed. Just take a few minutes to make sure they are protected.

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That's awful! I'm sorry to hear this happened to you. I will be shipping shrimp once I get a good colony going, and I found a nice article on here somewhere that talks about proper methods to ship shrimp. I need to save it somewhere just in case I need it later on. I don't want my shrimp getting cooked either. =(

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Sorry to hear. I also received a bag of dead shrimp today. The bag had a rip down the side and they were all dead. They were some expensive shrimp too hinomaru and mosura king kongs. It was one of them longlife bags not kordon. What a bummer I hope our replacements make it ok.

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Well...yours was worse than mine!!  People spend so long breeding special shrimp and then they aren't shipped carefully...I am not talking about the breeders necessarily.  I don't think people realize how just about all packages are treated in shipping.  The USPS has absolutely no incentive to take care with things and it seems UPS is getting the same.  I have a certified organic bath and body company and not only do we ship all the time but we get deliveries almost every day.  I have learned that the UPS man is verrrry quiet when the package is destroyed and hightails it out of there as soon as he gets it close to the house.  It would be funny if it weren't so infuriating.  I think prices are so high because businesses like ours have to over package everything so it gets there in one piece.  Hope you get some awesome shrimp Lukeo85 as replacements.

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Luke - at least you're getting replacements.... I received an order from a large breeder - bag came ripped with dead shrimp, and somehow this has become my fault - no I didn't get to the package within his 2 hour time frame - however this was not a timing issue - THE...BAG...WAS...RIPPED!!! I'll be more than happy to pass along this breeders name either here or through a pm. If it ok to pass the name along in this forum I will gladly do so - but I want to make sure not to break with protocol.

I have always felt (no matter what I send or how it's sent) that if I am taking money - the product is still my responsibility until the purchaser receives it in satisfactory condition.

Somehow I have rationalized this whole thing with this d-bag - as a fool me once moment. I will make it my life mission to ensure that I do everything I can to make sure no one buys from this place again

I've been here for a little while now - and think that I created a bit a credibility. If I am wrong please, someone tell me

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As a seller and buyer i understand both sides.. Me personally i would offer to reship the shrimp if you covered the shipping. I as well have a 2 hour doa policy, but have worked with many people that did not notify me within 2 hours. a burst bag with picture proof and pictures of dead shrimp is deserving of a reship.. While it is super rare, maybe 1 in 500 bags, it does happen, and any reputable seller would offer to replace.

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What a horrable stories! So sad for these shrimp to end like this.


How do people ship shrimp there? When I order something, they put them in a plastic bag 80% water. A second or third plastic bag around it. Then in bubble plastic with a heat pack aside. Then in a foam box. Then in a cardboard box.

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I think double bagging is a must. I have gotten them in foam boxes as well as thick pink insulation. The best packing also has the bag protected by packing peanuts inside the box with the heat pack in a different place (outside) the pink insulation or walled off with an extra piece of foam from the shrimp. I think people don't realize how roughly these boxes are treated during shipping.

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What size bags do you ask use to ship? I expect to be starting to ship my Taiwans this spring. I have 4x8 shipping bags but I am wondering if they will be adequate. Will also be shipping crs once we are happy with our line.


I only use Kordon breather bags and will ship no more than 10 shrimp in a 5"X8" breather bag. You can read why these bags are highly recommended here

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Aaah I never want to ship a shrimp, just imagining them bumping in a little bag for a quit long time.

You guys still have a good shipper to came max 2 hours? In my city, shipped today and they will arrived tomorrow.. Gaah. Thats why I prefer to hunt shrimp store by myself even its cost me more.

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I only use Kordon breather bags and will ship no more than 10 shrimp in a 5"X8" breather bag. You can read why these bags are highly recommended here

The only problem I have with breather bags is that I have heard gas exchange is negated by double bagging. Shipped fish for years without issue with normal bags. I would like to double bag my shipments.

If I can double bag a breather bag without issues, I would spring the extra money for them.

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The only problem I have with breather bags is that I have heard gas exchange is negated by double bagging. Shipped fish for years without issue with normal bags. I would like to double bag my shipments.

If I can double bag a breather bag without issues, I would spring the extra money for them.


You cant double bag breather bags. 

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Well, according to the manufacturer you can double bag breather bags.  The manufacturer recommends a paper layer over the first (paper towel, newspaper, etc.) and the put into the 2nd one.  If bag is against bag without paper, it stops working.


Unfortunately the 5x8's have been discontinued by Kordon, and now the 8 x 11 is the smallest.


I don't bother double bagging though.  I wrap the bag in newspaper for three reasons.  1) It adds insulation.  2) It adds strength to the bag.and 3) If the bag is leaking in any way (not unheard of), the newspaper will soak through before I finish packing, and I know I have to rebag.

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Duken - I get it... Believe me I do. However - what chafes my thighs is the ripped bag. If they were DOA because of exposure - that does fall on me. The bag does not - sorry. That's just my opinion and one we could go around with till the cows come home.

As one who does sell a little now I can tell you one thing - as far as my sales go - it's about customer satisfaction - period. I refund everything including shipping and then we start the sale over again - if that's what they want.

Just me and I'm not saying that anyone else is wrong. In fact my real mistake was not waiting till someone had what I wanted. ALWAYS DEAL WITH TSS PEOPLE!!!!

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Well....my shipping nightmares continue!!!  I also ordered some shrimp from California this week.  I paid for USPS Express one day shipping.  When I got the tracking information I waited until the next day and checked to see when they would be delivered so I would be home.  On their web site it stated that they were guaranteed by 3PM Thursday.  They did not come.  I thought, well, they will come today.  They did not come today.  Could not find any more info on the USPS site so went to the Post Office in person to see what was up.  I mean...the poor shrimp!  They would not tell me anything except that they had not left California yet and I needed to get in touch with shipper and have them find out where they were and get a refund.  I am seriously considering not ever ordering anything live again if it has to be shipped via the USPS.  I am beyond frustrated!!!!!  I know other shippers are more expensive but the stress alone is worth the extra 20 bucks!  I hope the people I ordered the shrimp from will replace them because I have no idea what has happened.

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I get people have to have DOA policies to cover themselves. But customer service should absolutely come first. You don't want to leave a customer with a negative impression of your business. Especially these days when word gets out very quickly through social media. Any business who doesn't put their customers experience before their wallet isn't going to last very long. Sometimes you have to take a hit to make the situation right.

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USPS priority express is kind of a joke, they charge you over double the price then guarantee the shipment for the next day.  Two out of my three priority express shipments did not come next day. I guess the shipping gets refunded but thats not the point we pay for one day becuase it is live shrimp.  I am currently waiting on a priority express delivery guaranteed today by noon and im sure will not be here today. I hope the shrimp arrives ok, he is only on loan to me!

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