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new from NC just researching genetics


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Hi everyone, I'm Michael for NC and I been breeding angelfish, discus and other fish for 15 years, I'm very interested in genetics of fish and freshwater invertebrates, I got into shrimp because there genes seem complicated and not stable, I'm hoping to learn more about them and to produce stable breeds. I also found this forum by accident why looking for info on this and you all seemed like the most active and the most into learning more about them. I hope to become an active member and gain knowledge the you all as I start my journey into breeding shrimp, I also plan to collect and breed almost all types and some day make report on it for everyone to read. Thank you and just got to say its an honor to be here!

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You're right - the Neocardina and Caridina have a rich palette of color and pattern genes that are largely unrealized.  Caridina seem to me to get most of the selective breeding attention for patterns, but Neos have tremendous potential for patterns as well.  I don't know how to insert a picture in this forum but here is an example of a Neo with a pattern I think is pretty sweet.  https://www.dropbox.com/s/rs3cgwes78v7942/2015-03-29%2021.01.23.jpg?dl=0

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  • 3 weeks later...

welcome! completely in the research stage myself. Although not quite so much experience in selective breeding, but do have some experience with dart frogs and a few lizards. Although I do want to get into the shrimp breeding aspect a bit, my main concentration is going to be aquaponic systems utilizing marbled crayfish.


Anyway, glad to see you aboard.

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I always wanted some dart frogs, but never had the time for them, I could see alot of potential in selective breeding them but everything I read seems to look like people frown on you for doing that. Oh and thanks for the welcome.

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I'll just stick with fish and shrimp till I build my new house next year and get my fish/shrimp/lab room. Wife is tired of my hobby being all over the house so she said put it all in one big too just for me lol, I can't wait, but she gets and arts and craft/ plant room, best part about kids being all grown up

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