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For anyone that uses these, can you recommend a seller that actually sells a good quality one?


Mine broke about 2 months ago and it was the best one I've had. I purchased 3 from 3 different sellers recently and all are just crap and barely work.



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I use the ball pump ones you get from pet smart when they stop working you can tare down the ball pump and clean it rebuild and works good as new if had mine for a year or so and use it for all my tanks.

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I use the ball pump ones you get from pet smart when they stop working you can tare down the ball pump and clean it rebuild and works good as new if had mine for a year or so and use it for all my tanks.

Have a picture or link?


I'm currently using aqueon siphon but the drop flow once finished is too strong.

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I also use the ball pump kind from petsmart. Had mine just over a year and no problems.


Mine came with a bucket clip (how I love that little thing) that clips onto any bucket and has a hole to put the hose through so it doesn't thrash around.


Mine did not come with that tip guard thing that is shown in the picture.

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I also just have a cheap one from petco   http://www.petco.com/product/114921/Aqueon-Siphon-Vacuum-Aquarium-Gravel-Cleaner.aspx?CoreCat=OnSiteSearch


I have a small one for the 20 gal and a "mini" for the 5gallon solo current tank.  They both work great.  Strong suction.     The mini one is so cute.    They are both strong enough to vacuum the substrate when I want to.   Hard to do now that there are babies in there. 

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Tip guard?  Are you referring to the vacuum tube?

Nope - disregard - I obviously didn't have enough coffee when I sent that and thought I saw something covering the end of the siphon.. but it's just where you connect the hose... ha ha


I'm useless before coffee

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I've had good luck with this one, the siphon can be started by shaking, but I generally use a Python brand bulb to get it going (less disturbance).  The length is quite nice.  Comes with 2 attachments as well.





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How to you exchange water during water changes then?


I use dripper to add water and waste water goes through overflow box.

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I use the same products and think they are worth the higher price. You have to remember to point the out port of the bulb up when priming. The bulb is easily disassembled for cleaning out clogs.

I only vacuum the gravel every 3 to 4 months at most and usually just a small area around the feeding dish. Usually I just use an airline zip-tied to my planting pinsette to pull out any obvious detritus and 5% water during my weekly wc.

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