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My shrimp experiment

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So for over a year now I've kept wilds, fire reds and rilis together and this huge female came out

She's huge compared to the others (over 2 in)

So far a few of her babies have grown up looking close to her. I'm getting all sorts of colors popping up now so I'm going to start a tank to separate the ones I want but I still don't really have a goal in mind. If I could get more looking like her I'd be happy




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Wow, she is a beauty. Really cool looking. Good idea, to separate the desired shrimps. Sometimes it is best to get your colony going before doing too much culling. If you have a couple of hundred shrimps you can select again and cull the undesired offspring.

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Very nice pattern, and very opaque! Looks like a grasshopper at first glance.

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amazing shrimp I hope my soon to be project turns out some cool shrimp like that one. I love the ones with different color stripes from the body color

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I'm using red cherry shrimp, right now but plan on getting yellow, and pearl shrimp, I'm going to breed for different color racing lines, because I love how it offsets shrimps. I think same color lines are bland.

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I think the racing stripes look cool too.


I do want to point out that cherries are neo. davidi, while pearls are neo. palmata.  If breeding them together, they are no longer cherries or pearls, but a hybrid.  So if you plan to sell your new hybrid creation, please make sure the customer knows a) they will interbreed with neos, and B) they are hybrids. ;)

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I'm not going to cross them, I have a friend that's got some pearls that have a line on them, not really sure if they are pearls I was going to see what I can get out of them on there own. There for personal collection.

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