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Is this typical? Online purchase


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Bought two sets of 5+1 Dream Blue shrimp from eBay the other day. Received 13 individuals as a plus, but two were DOA, unfortunately, even with Express shipping. There was also an adult that I would probably cull, and 2 other juveniles as well. Instead of blue, they are either tan or are missing blue coverage, similar to rilis.  The others look great, however, and vary in the blue intensity.


I understand that the stress from shipping might fade their coloration, but they wouldn't become a different color altogether, correct?


Any insight would be appreciated.


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Sorry for your DOA. I am not sure about the "tan" coloration or if in fact they are culls. I would allow them to acclimate properly, introduce to your tank, and in the meantime email/message the seller. Tell them your concerns and see what their response is. I would suspect shipping on these poor shrimp took a toll.


I strongly recommend attempting to purchase from forum members or sponsors as we usually have quality shrimp at lower prices.

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Welcome to the forum!


Shrimp are sensitive to stress and change or lose color when stressed.  As DETAAquarium said I would put them in your tank and acclimate them and see if they color up.  I would also mention it to the seller as he suggested as well. 

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Thank you!


Pretty disappointed about the DOA. One of them was a very nice blue, and the other was nothing to laugh at. I shudder to think how many more would have died if I had purchased priority instead. 


I've already acclimated and added them to the tank. Will have to wait until feeding tomorrow to see if there were any further color improvements on the adult (hard to find on the  brown substrate). From what I can tell already, there may be some slight improvements to the two juveniles. That polka-dotted blue is coming up where it was once clear, coupled with that already present darker tail and head. The remaining juvenile blows them away still though, since the blue appears completely consistent and therefore hides the Dream Blue's rili ancestry better. 


Overall, I'm relatively happy about the purchase. I would definitely love to purchase from the forum members here, however, especially if I can pick up around the Santa Cruz/San Jose, CA area. Unfortunately I couldn't find any recent threads for Blue Dreams - neos don't seem to be *as* popular here! 

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I'm in Bay area. 


You can get much healthier shrimp and cheaper from fellow shrimpers.


for most of shrimp, priority shipping is just fine. I didn't see any DOA for 3 days priority. in most case, priority is 2 days.

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Surprisingly, I received a few more DOA using express these past two days as well. The weather is very mild here in Aptos, and both shippers used insulated boxes with kordon bags and plants. However, I had two dead from the previous seller mentioned, and at least another one with the other.


Ironically, the priority package I received from an AB seller recently had 0 deaths. The box was not insulated, and the bags used were the old-school, typical fish bags.

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Surprisingly, I received a few more DOA using express these past two days as well. The weather is very mild here in Aptos, and both shippers used insulated boxes with kordon bags and plants. However, I had two dead from the previous seller mentioned, and at least another one with the other.


Ironically, the priority package I received from an AB seller recently had 0 deaths. The box was not insulated, and the bags used were the old-school, typical fish bags.


If packaging is good, DOA is more related to the healthy of the shrimp.


I tested my CRS once to do simulation of 5 days shipping. they all survived, and no death in the following months.

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PM'd about the seller - not sure what rules, if any, are in place in regard to this.


I wish it was a blue bolt instead! Definitely a neo though. The individual was a good foot away from the glass, so I was unable to snap a very good picture unfortunately. The coloration is more akin to the "blue pearl variety". http://tranquility.plici.ro/gallery_images/folder%20articol/blue_pearl_500_CL.jpg


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