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This is the pic of a yellow neo which has some kinda infection.she is no more,was curious to know what happened to her.a male was also infected before her who had gone white and was walking like a zombie and eventually died.but now everything is fine.

Would like to hear what happened from your side[emoji4]


I would love to say bacterial infection, since that seems to be the standard answer for that type of question.  However the body is not paper white.


Often the fogginess of shrimp tissue in my experience is multiple causes.  Sometimes just denseness of tissue and they are healthy.  Other times too little oxygen, which can cause deaths.


I actually have a tank of yellows that look just like that. I too thought bacteria infection, but it's been 5 months now and none have died. They just have off coloring.


Since the picture isn't very clear, we cannot determine 100% if it's bacterial infection.

If it's not bacterial infection, it could be pH swings or your water is very dirty.


What type of filtration are you using?


The more details you provide us, the better we can assist you.


I don't have any pic clearer than this.I was using single sponge filter.

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Can you try scooping it into a clear container or breeder box and take pics of it?


More oxygen is most likely not the case since you're using a sponge filter.


Bro u didn't read my first post properly

...she is no more

Sent from my MotoE2 using Tapatalk


I actually have a tank of yellows that look just like that. I too thought bacteria infection, but it's been 5 months now and none have died. They just have off coloring.


Can we see more pictures of your shrimps?


Are you using tap water or RO water?


Sure, I'll have some to compare in a few.

I use nothing but RO water in all tanks.


A few that were willing to pose for a sec. They were pulled from other setups for fear of infection, but I've had zero deaths, and no new examples appear across any tank. Seems like they are just poorly colored/culls, at least in my case. 












A few that were willing to pose for a sec. They were pulled from other setups for fear of infection, but I've had zero deaths, and no new examples appear across any tank. Seems like they are just poorly colored/culls, at least in my case. 









Maybe try this?




As far as if this product helps or not, I cannot say. :(


IngredientsVitamin A/E/C/B1, FeSO4, ZnSO4, MnSO4, Carophyll


Your water/foods might be lacking a certain mineral require to have a nice yellow body.


Your picture does look like culls though


Are you using tap or RO water?

Looks like your tank isn't healthy.

If the shrimp inside is cloudy/milky, it's usually a bacterial infection.

I use tap water.the tank is healthy now.none died after that.

Pics of the f1 gen




Sent from my MotoE2 using Tapatalk

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