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Twister's Shrimping Journal


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Hi everyone.

I'm about to take the leap into multiple tanks and different shrimp species.

I currently have a small 19L tank with cherry shrimp in that we're rescued from the filter of another tank.

I'm going to be expanding.I brought two 36X12X12 Clearseal tanks which I hope to divide up with three sections in each tank.

Eventually (I have to move house first) they will be on a rack in my living room.

Initially these tanks will be used to keep my boyfriends fish in, we will have to break his large community tank down when we move and need to do some work on the house before it can be put in place so his fish will be housed in my two tanks for a while. I figured I can use this as a good opportunity to get my tanks cycled ready for some shrimp!

Thanks for reading I'll keep updating as I go along, I have been inspired so much by all the awesome things you guys are doing on here!

Here's a picture of one of my new tanks!


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  • 2 weeks later...

The tanks were £55 each. It's worth ringing around a bit, I called several LFS and the difference in price for the same tanks was huge! There's a section on the Clearseal website which will tell you stockists in your area.

I'm planning to do DIY led lights, using the reels of LED lights there about £8 ish on eBay.

Not sure of the lid yet, probably make my own out of acrylic. I got some clear acrylic to make the dividers with, it was a bit of a pain to cut though so might rethink that idea!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have finally finished the dividers (just in time as I'm moving tomorrow)

I used 2mm acrylic and cut/snapped it to size, I was worried that it would be too thin but seems okay.

I have 35PPI foam attached to the dividers via some mini cable trunking.


I haven't added the substrate yet but I have Denerle crystal quarts dark brown.

I have two 50W heater to go in each tank which will be hidden behind each of the HMF filters

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Soothing, I hope to run by a local plumbing distributor this week, they have clear and others colors of pvc available.  I'll let you know if I find anything noteworthy.


EDIT:   annnnnnnnnd I see you've found an online source already.  

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  • 3 months later...

I haven't really made much progress but here's an update anyway!

The fish are still in the two tanks as there new home isn't quite ready yet! But at least the tanks should be cycled now.

So far however two fish have managed to end up in the wrong sections, so I do have some concerns as to how well the dividers will work for the shrimp.

The HMF filters also seem to be a great place for fry, I found 7 little penguin tetras behind the HMF filters.

Had a tidy up of my smaller cherry shrimp tank, the tetra fry have been put in there temporarily until they grow a bit and can be moved back.


I also dumped a ton of the cherry culls into the tanks with the fish quite a lot of them seem to have survived.

I have now got the wood to start building my stand for the two larger tanks. It will probably be another month at least until I get around to doing I though.

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  • 2 months later...


I've finally started building the stand. I've built the internal frame, the plan is to the face it with a more decorative outer panels as it will be a display tank in the living room.

I'm in the process of varnishing the inner frame, I was concerned about the effect of condensation on the untreated wood so figured varnishing it would be a good idea.


The next stages will be to put the facing on and begin making the Lighting.

On a separate note I'm having some problems with the uplift tubes for the HMF filters. They keep blocking up, I was wondering if anyone has had any similar problems or any ideas on how to fix it? I used the following YouTube video for the design

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  • 1 month later...

Well it's been a busy few days but the tanks are finally on the stand.

It's not quite finished yet, but we had to move the tanks so I will just have to add the finishing touches with the tanks in place.

I've changed out the water for remineralised RO water in the bottom tanks and I hope to be ordering some shrimp later this week!

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The shrimp arrived yesterday and are still all alive today!

I ordered 10 michlings, all look relatively happy this morning.

I also ordered two pained fire red male cherries to try to improve my line. One is so young that I've no idea how they know the sex already but I guess I'll just wait and see!

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