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Just some things that come to mind:

  1. Patience
  2. Time
  3. Plan your plant choices before planting
  4. Plan your hardscape(if you want one)
  5. Select your substrate(eco, active sub, soil)
  6. Select your light based off your plant selection / tank dimensions
  7. Plant heavy at the beginning
  8. Stick with a few types of plants so you have a nice aquascape(it's easy to toss a lot of different plants in the begining only to realize your tank has no direction),
  9. And like Pokeshrimp said, you may need co2 and ferts
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do lots of research as you would with shrimps. Planted tanks are easy to throw a lot of money at and end up with nothing in the end. Patience is very understated as many of us want it to look like the ones we see pictures of, but those tanks took a long time to get to where they are at.

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You could keep it simple with regular gravel. I like the natural river gravel but black gravel also looks nice just not GLASS gravel .


Fast growing plants and no C02.


I use CFL bulbs because I put the filter on tank side thus led isn't an option but I would use led if not for that .


I only use about an inch of gravel which isn't recommended but I don't like to much gravel , lol .


For types of plants I used it works well .


There are countless ways of doing it .



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I personally use black gravel in my tank. I find that plants that root seem to attach better to regular ol' gravel as opposed to stuff like fluval stratum, ada, controsoil and such as eventually it will all just turn to mush. Just my 2cents, and personally opinion of course.

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I personally use black gravel in my tank. I find that plants that root seem to attach better to regular ol' gravel as opposed to stuff like fluval stratum, ada, controsoil and such as eventually it will all just turn to mush. Just my 2cents, and personally opinion of course.


I didn't want to say anything because it sounds crazy but every tank I have had with black gravel has been the best and plants thrived like no other .


I have read sites that say black gravel is the best but they didn't say why and scientifically it doesn't make sense .


I now like river gravel as like that pond look but might be doing a black gravel planted neon tank .  Sand I hate .

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I didn't want to say anything because it sounds crazy but every tank I have had with black gravel has been the best and plants thrived like no other .


I have read sites that say black gravel is the best but they didn't say why and scientifically it doesn't make sense .


I now like river gravel as like that pond look but might be doing a black gravel planted neon tank .  Sand I hate .


If it works, it works man.

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