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WTB: glass feeding dish, cholla wood


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For Cholla wood, I highly recommend the teddy bear Cholla wood from theshrimptank.com . I like that the openings are large enough to see who's hiding inside.

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This is what I use in my shrimp tanks. You get two glass dishes, one is slightly larger then the other.


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Thanks for that link!

I've been using plastic party dishes from the dollar store and a pair of fog light covers that were for my wife's Challenger. It was due time for an upgrade.

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Thanks for that link!

I've been using plastic party dishes from the dollar store and a pair of fog light covers that were for my wife's Challenger. It was due time for an upgrade.

your welcome, you can find some good deals on scientific products that we can use with shrimping like my favorite  http://www.amazon.com/GLASS-DROPPING-PIPET-WITH-COLOR/dp/B00272O0BE/ref=pd_sim_328_2?ie=UTF8&dpID=31aALbZr%2BlL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR160%2C160_&refRID=0S53TX3KJK7PPA1VJP7C

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What's the main benefit for a feeding dish? To keep the substrate clean?


Yes.  I normally drop the food pellet in the dish after I come home from work, and remove the excess before bed.

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