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What do I need to keep and breed blue jelly shrimp ?


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Blue jelly are Taiwan bees (caridina sp.), so they require soft, acidic water: KH 0-1, GH 2-4, TDS 100-200, pH 5.5-6.5. I would recommend using an active substrate as this will buffer your water to a low pH as required. You will want to use RO/DI water as it is pure and you can manipulate it to your desired parameters (given above). You will want to get a general remineralizer, such as SS GH+ or seachem equilibrium (I use the later) for any caridina species. Be sure you allow your tank to fully cycle (1-2 months) and you really don't need to add any bacterial additives (although they speed up and fortify the process). Lastly, leaves such as Indian almond (catappa), mulberry, or amaranth are very nutritious foods for shrimp and would be recommended by any seasoned shrimper.

Hope this helps! Let us know if you have more questions.

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Mr. F really hit the nail on the head, but I do want to ask what your experience is with shrimp. Have you had the opportunity to keep any other species or variations?

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Hey Hammertoe, are you referring to the blue shrimp with white stripes or the all light blue shrimp when you refer to blue jelly? I know most people here think of the taiwan bees called blue jelly, but I've seen light blue neocaridina referred to as blue jelly as well. They are very different and would require different parameters. The first one would be quite a bit more challenging than the latter.

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To deta I've only kept amano shrimp in the past but that was a long time ago. I need to be schooled in the ways of shrimp keeping . I tried watching the videos on YouTube but most of them show a lot of powders and stuff I'm not sure I would need . I understand a bit about water and the nitrogen cycle , and have bred a few species of fish but that's as far as thing go for me . So any info into what I need to do to prepare a tank and have these guys survive and breed I would appreciate greatly .

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Looks like you are looking for the neo type.  As far as water goes, go with an inert substate and use RO water remineralized with Salty Shrimp GH/KH+.  You can try to raise them in your tap water if tap meets neo parameters.  Basic items to put in your tank are indian almond leaves, some type of moss, and maybe some driftwood or cholla wood.

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