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Shrimp changing colors?

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Hey does anyone have white sand or just any white substrate with cherrys on them? I think my cherrys blended in with the white sand and now look a lower grade then I bought them for. Has this happened to anyone else? Thanks,

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I have 1 tank with pool filter sand. I only keep my culls in there but haven't experienced any color change with them. Granted they are culls so relatively low color anyways.

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reason is they try to blend in with the substrate which is why I use black sand for all my shrimps. the color intensifies for sure on dark substrate.  


my super red cherry shrimp turns transparent at times when I place it in the breeder box and when placed back on dark substrate it colors back up.

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IMO, all the bacterial is obviously in the substrate and covering it all at once may become a mini cycle. I would personally do section by section, perhaps 1/4th of the tank every other day just to be safe until its all fully covered.

I have read that others have done it all at once with no issue, but me I would do it slowly to not shock invertebrates.


unless someone else chimes in and states other wise.

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