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WTB Purple Mystery snail egg clutches


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I am looking to buy purple mystery snail egg clutches. I want clutches that you know have the purple gene in them. If you have had previous purple mystery snails from any of your hatchings then the parents have the gene even if the parents are not purple. Please tell me what price you would like to sell the clutch for. Shipping clutches is much easier than shipping live snails also. Thank you for your time!

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Hi Jabby. I have a bunch of mystery snails in a 75 gal that recently started laying eggs. I don't think any have  hatched yet, but this is a first for me so I don't really know. Anyway, I'm wondering how one would ship a clutch.

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Clutch can be shipped in a small container with a lid with some moist paper towel around the clutch.  Then that can go in a small box or bubble envelope. The shipping cost would be around $2-$3. You would need to make sure weather is not too cold or hot. If it is they can be insulated good. You also need to make sure that you ship the most recent clutch laid. So that you can use just standard first class mail shipping.

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Last time I checked I had six clutches. Since this is a first for me, I'm waiting to see what happens.  The snails in that tank are ivory, gold, pink stripe, and purple stripe. If / when we have babies, they will of course be posted here first! I've been looking for more so I'll be thrilled if we have babies, but if they do hatch, I expect we'll have more than the 16 I was looking for.

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I'm likely to have some in the not-so-distant future. Mommy has been laying clutches every so often for a while now. Typical yield is 50% striped purple, 25% blue, 12.5% pink/light purple (white body, pinkish coloring with stripes on shell), 12.5" ivory

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I too was on the hunt for dark and light purples, but it looks like the snails I have already made some for me. I hatched some eggs laid by a golden, a chestnut, and a blue and so far most of the babies look like goldens, ivories, light purples/peppermint, dark purples, and blues. This is my first time hatching eggs, so I might not be reading the colors right. The only active males I had at the time were a golden and a jade, but I've read that mystery snails can hold sperm for months.

If you have some other colors, you may be able to breed your own. Purple is a combination of a dark body, white shell base, and stripes. It's basically a blue with stripes. Peppermint is a combination of a light body, white shell base, and stripes, basically an ivory with stripes. 

Most of my remaining adults are walnuts, so I don't want to hatch anymore eggs from them. They're beautiful when too when they are well grown, but there isn't much demand for them. I plan on only keeping snails with a white shell base in the future, so only ivories, peppermints, blues and purples. The snails with a golden shell base are golden, chestnut, jade, and walnut/wild. Those are the 8 main colors.


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6 hours ago, seaj said:

I too was on the hunt for dark and light purples, but it looks like the snails I have already made some for me. I hatched some eggs laid by a golden, a chestnut, and a blue and so far most of the babies look like goldens, ivories, light purples/peppermint, dark purples, and blues. This is my first time hatching eggs, so I might not be reading the colors right. The only active males I had at the time were a golden and a jade, but I've read that mystery snails can hold sperm for months.

If you have some other colors, you may be able to breed your own. Purple is a combination of a dark body, white shell base, and stripes. It's basically a blue with stripes. Peppermint is a combination of a light body, white shell base, and stripes, basically an ivory with stripes. 

Most of my remaining adults are walnuts, so I don't want to hatch anymore eggs from them. They're beautiful when too when they are well grown, but there isn't much demand for them. I plan on only keeping snails with a white shell base in the future, so only ivories, peppermints, blues and purples. The snails with a golden shell base are golden, chestnut, jade, and walnut/wild. Those are the 8 main colors.


You should share pictures! I can definitely help you get a read on how some of those colors looked when newly-hatched. And your experience seems rather typical in that the genetic combinations seem to make surprises when you hatch the eggs the normal outcome.

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I'll try to take some better pictures tomorrow morning after work. I really need a macro lens for my DSLR. Using a jewelry loupe on my old iphone yields poor results as well. I just noticed that some of my smallest hatchlings have dark feet with a brownish shell and dark spots. They will probably be walnuts.

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The largest babies I have are gold and ivory. The smallest snails (not the baby ramshorns) look like walnuts. I see two peppermints on the left, and in the foreground are three purples. I have some others that are a splotchy blue, and a few that look sorta orange, maybe chestnuts. There maybe some tiny jades too. They are poop machines, and I wouldn't recommend keeping more than 2-3 adults in a 10 gallon shrimp tank. Their poop builds up fast, but is easy to vacuum up in bare bottom tank, but that's not something you'll want to do often with lots of shrimp in the tank. It's a nightmare for me now that I have shrimp babies. The poop issue should be slightly less of a problem if you keep your tanks at a lower temp, that way the snails will need less food, and thus poop less, and live longer. Mine are kept at 78°F  I only plan of keeping 6 or 7 as adults.


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5 hours ago, Wygglz said:

Ok, silly question. It looks like you have them in a box. Do you move the egg clutches from the tank to someplace "safe" or can they just stay in a community tank and hatch?

They are in a medium marina breeder box. There must be at least 100 in there, but I've increased the flow of water by sticking the intake tube of the breeder box down the outflow tube of a 3 inch sponge filter from Swiss Tropicals. The tubes don't fit together perfectly, but most of the bubbles go straight up the intake of the breeder box. The airlift tubes from Swiss Tropicals, called jetlifters/cubelifters, have a built in airline diffuser that makes much smaller bubbles, which is suppose to help move more water. NO airstones to deal with either. More importantly, the smaller bubbles effectively silence the marina breeder box, which gurgles when used with the included parts. The sponge filter also prevents baby shrimp from getting sucked into the breeder box, and I'm sure the snails prefer the smoother flow of filtered water.

I usually move the eggs. I've read of eggs sliding into the tank when laid on glass. My Aqueon versa top doesn't hold in much humidity because it's continuously propped up my the marina breeder box on the front of the tank. I'm thinking of putting in a strip of clear corrugated plastic strip in the front, then cutting out segments for the breeder box to fit. The eggs will dry out without proper moisture levels. I usually give the the eggs a day to dry, then I slide them off the glass. Generally, no eggs break. I then float them on a piece of styrofoam in a covered deli container, or on a piece of plastic canvas straddled over water. I just recently made what looks like a moss ledge for eggs that are just about to hatch. It's a piece of plastic canvas attached with fishing line to an airline holder and suction cup. I stuck it to the inside of the breeder box. The babies fall straight down when they hatch. You just have to watch the water level in the breeder box to make sure it doesn't rise. I've since stopped keeping salvinia minima in those breeder boxes because they had a tendency to block the outflow.

Babies can pretty much eat what adults eat, and their shells should keep them safe from most tankmates, I just like to ensure they get enough food by containing them until they are a bit bigger than a pea.



I think the two in the center may be blues.


See how the small sponge is connected to the marina breeder box? I have 3 sponge filters in this tank, ready to go when it's time to set up new tanks. That's a mesh bag of crushed coral to balance out the the effect of the driftwood. The snails had pitted shells prior to adding it.


I removed the cap on this tube that is used to direct water flow in the breeder box. The water flow is now smooth and continuous, but it can get turbulent when there is too much water coming in. See the newly laid eggs under the tank rim? Baby snails will also climb over that overflow area when they get hungry.


I have a lot of extra plastic canvas, so I'm trying to come up with ways to use it. I made frozen brine shrimp dispenser for my danios, but they don't really use it. I think I'll make some tiny planters that I can stick to the glass with suction cups. Maybe a mesh breeder box for egg scatterers? I'm still not sure if I'm gonna hatch these out or not. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a small light purple stripe mystery snail clutch, 3 ivory clutches, and many juvenile (currently about 1" in size) blue mystery snails for sale, if you are interested. I will be shipping on Monday, because the weather is going to be great next week, and also so the don't sit in the post office for an extra day (Sunday). The pictures are of the ivory, and purple striped adults, so you know what the babies will look like. Also a picture of the juvenile blues.



purple closer.JPG


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Welcome Kris,

Welcome to Shrimp Spot !     Just a reminder to check the MP rules.  You must post what you are selling (1 snail, 5 snails, 1 egg clutch), color (purple, blue) and price when you post.  Shipping method and cost would be nice too.,,,,, Mike

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On April 15, 2016 at 11:32 AM, oem said:

Welcome Kris,

Welcome to Shrimp Spot !     Just a reminder to check the MP rules.  You must post what you are selling (1 snail, 5 snails, 1 egg clutch), color (purple, blue) and price when you post.  Shipping method and cost would be nice too.,,,,, Mike

I apologize, I didn't know. I also apologize for the delay in response. I forgot to subscribe to the thread, and didn't get notification.


I currently have...

3 ivory mystery snail egg clutches. $20 (includes shipping) for 1 clutch, or $30 for 2 clutches.

2 small light purple stripe clutches. $20 (includes shipping) for 1 clutch, or $30 for 2 clutches.

20 juvenile blue mystery snails (about 3/4"-1"), $2 each plus shipping ($4 for First class to nearby states, or $6 for Priority)

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On April 15, 2016 at 5:06 PM, Jabby said:

Price on purple clutches and shipping?

So sorry for the delay in response! I forgot to subscribe to the thread. Purple clutches  are $20 (includes shipping) for 1 clutch, or $30 for 2 clutches.

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