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Hundred of baby snail in tank


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I bought a plant from a fish store and adult snails must of hitchhiked onto it and before I saw them they had already had hundreds of babies. I removed them but now there's little specs of baby snails all over my glass. Is there any way to get rid of them. I only have ten shrimp but would these shrimp eat them as the snails are really small.

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1 hour ago, Soothing Shrimp said:

Shrimp would eat them if crushed.

Put a lettuce leaf on your sustrate, or a piece of carrot.

After awhile, just pull it out with snails on it.

Repeat as needed. ;)




All I caught were a bunch of stupid shrimp.


(btw, that mamma shrimp is carrying a ridiculous quantity of eggs... that looks soo uncomfortable)

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I have used a product in the past to eradicate snails, not sure if you want to go that route, or simply crush them as you go for a protein source for your shrimp.

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31 minutes ago, DETAquarium said:

I have used a product in the past to eradicate snails, not sure if you want to go that route, or simply crush them as you go for a protein source for your shrimp.



what product?

Id be willing to catch and remove all my shrimp to poison all these horrible snails if I wasn't afraid Id be unable to get it all back out later.

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The other problem is that inverts are tasty, so something like a dwarf pea puffer will eat all your snails.. and probably shrimp.

We tried assassin snails but they were horribly lazy and as far as we could tell never ate snails.


Is it you just hate the snails on the glass? I though they added something that supports the bacteria that baby shrimp like.

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This might not be an angle you're willing to consider but sharing anyways. 

From my experience there's always a big population boom anytime you drop many species of snails into a new tank and it will likely calm down. I would suggest just manually removing versus any chemical type thing. I realize they're small now so it is probably hard to identify but a lot of snails are beneficial and not harmful. Have you spotted any eggs or evidence of?


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I once had a huge over populated tank of MTS and pond snails and ramshorns. all was taken care of with 9 assassin snails. 9 is probably over kill in my 20 gallon tank. but it did the job within a week for sure! and now get this, I kind of want ramshorn snails now for my puffer fish I have.

and I only have 1 huge ramshorn snail only I manage to save. I need another one to mate it with and havnt had any luck. so I had to order some 2 days ago.



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18 minutes ago, Crackhead Johny said:

The other problem is that inverts are tasty, so something like a dwarf pea puffer will eat all your snails.. and probably shrimp.

We tried assassin snails but they were horribly lazy and as far as we could tell never ate snails.


Is it you just hate the snails on the glass? I though they added something that supports the bacteria that baby shrimp like.

I dont mind them now but I just dont want hundred of adult snails in my tank which then could breed to have even more snails

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30 minutes ago, heatherbee said:

This might not be an angle you're willing to consider but sharing anyways. 

From my experience there's always a big population boom anytime you drop many species of snails into a new tank and it will likely calm down. I would suggest just manually removing versus any chemical type thing. I realize they're small now so it is probably hard to identify but a lot of snails are beneficial and not harmful. Have you spotted any eggs or evidence of?


I also noticed the same thing. Snails went crazy but then numbers dropped after a few months. For me I think it was a combination of new tank with lots of bio-film/algae and low shrimp population. Once the the snails peaked and the shrimp population increased the snails numbers drastically declined due to a reduction of food. I changed my feeding routine and the amount and I'm pretty sure this helped in reducing the snail population. I have snails but the numbers are small. Overfeeding will also lead to an increase of snails.

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I have had pest snails and diligently hand crush them. It is certainly not effective enough. And for no apparent reason (spring, I guess), I just had a population explosion - turned on the tank light yesterday and there were tons of little ones :( But also plenty of adorable little sub-adult RCS, so... :)

I feed small amounts of veggies, so I guess that (plus all my algae) keeps them both going.

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3 hours ago, Ben2306 said:

I dont mind them now but I just dont want hundred of adult snails in my tank which then could breed to have even more snails

Food should be the population control. If there is not much extra the snails will not grow real fast.

I suspect there is some sort of food detection in egg clusters as sometimes if there is a ton of food they hatch immediately and if there is none they sit there for weeks.

With the eco/green solution of putting a pail of worms under your sink for composting dinner scraps, I wonder if in the aquarium world having a 5 gal tank with a pea puffer is the equivalent when it comes to snails? You probably do not even need a substrate as you will get a shell substrate in time.

Just for aesthetic reasons I'm wondering if I start putting in ramshorn snails if they will breed at the same rate as pond snails? Pond snails are kind of bland.

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10 hours ago, Jynn said:




All I caught were a bunch of stupid shrimp.


(btw, that mamma shrimp is carrying a ridiculous quantity of eggs... that looks soo uncomfortable)

Those shrimp a very smart.  Zucchini (cuke?) is very healthy for everyone.  Throw a chip in there and watch them run!

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yeah, came home from work, zuchinni was down to the peel with nothing left for my snails :P

I'll try again with a carrot and hope my shrimp dont like carrot.

Id honestly be fine with  10 thousand ramshorns, but I've got pond snails and its a planted tank :P



Edit: nope.. they're pretty into carrots too.

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