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How long do you aerate ?

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When aerating your RO water, how long do you need to do it to be effective.    I have just made it as I need it recently I started making it and keeping it in gallon jugs so I can grab it and use it but Im afraid if co2 build up.    When you drop an airstone in is it minutes? hours?  

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Jadenlea, I think you're going to get multiple answers covering a lot of opinions on this one.  I myself have seen enough bad reaction from my shrimp that I try to aerate for 12-24 hours, but keep in mind I am drawing from an RO reserve where the water could be weeks old.  On the other end of the spectrum there are many others that do changes without any aeration whatsoever.


In my experience "fresh" RO should have good oxygen levels.........when I am using new RO I simply bring it to temperature after remineralization.

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I don't aerate either but I do usually make fresh RODI water every week for top offs. Water changes I make a day prior.

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